For We Will Be Judged For Our Compassion….

In the following story, which I did not write, there is a wonderful example of compassion.

From author Abraham H. Foxman, a child of Nazi Germany, who was sheltered by his nanny; it is a beautiful story.  It is not only his tale but that of many others who gave so completely in such a time of horror, prejudice and death.

From his article in today’s Huffington Post:

“It is fitting that the United Nations, as part of the international commemoration of the Holocaust on January 27, is paying tribute this year not only to the millions of innocents who died in the Nazi gas chambers, but also to those who made extraordinary sacrifices to hide and protect tens of thousands of Jews and others from certain death at the hands of Hitler’s genocidal pogrom.

I‘m speaking, of course, of the rescuers — those individuals who made a calculated decision to shelter Jews and others wanted by the Nazis for no crime other than being the members of a deeply hated minority.” read more….

It is in a breath that I take  a pause from this current crusade against violence.

At our hearts we are compassionate.  There are few among us who do not weep over injustice.  Our question here is:  could we be so brave to act like the quiet heroes in Mr. Foxman’s story? I believe that most of us could.

We all have great acts of courage.  Moments that our soul shines through to embrace our fellow humans and all around us.  The trouble is that we need to let more of it show to the world.  Our works and deeds reveal our heart.

When we stand up, when we speak out, we are coming forth with love for those who cannot express themselves.  This is true bravery. It is also a facet of activism.

Do not go through a day without letting your heart shine.  Act on that impulse to smile, offer friendly words, lend a hand, brighten a day with laughter.  Share your humanity.  Receive the humanity from others, also.

If we can learn from this story that our lives are not only enriched by others but we, too, enrich all by our actions.  Our light shines never so brightly as when we offer ourselves to protect and love, especially in times of great fear.

It is a gift that each one of us has to share.

Share it with a stranger today.