January 6, Christian Patriots, Roe & Fascism

We’re slowly making the slide into fascism.

Evangelical Christians, aided by the recent Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade, are celebrating but they’re not about to give up. They’re coming for the rights of many: LGBTs, people of color, contraception, women’s rights, voting rights and many other issues.

The January 6 Committee is unearthing what we knew about Trump: He was a scared little man, unwilling to let go of power and would do anything to keep it. He plotted. He planned. He schemed, threatened and cajoled. Some of his disciples went along, others were hesitant. Some have since come forward to shed light on this conspiracy to overthrow the government – to steal the election. Funny, though – he was screaming STOP THE STEAL while trying to do just that.

My only hope is that the Justice Department charges him with this, and as a sentence, expressly forbids him from EVER holding federal or public office again.

The man CANNOT be President e.v.e.r a.g.a.i.n.

Meanwhile, supposed “patriots,” wielding Bibles and hoisting flags, have proclaimed themselves monitors of morality, are cheering the SCOTUS’s recent ruling on Roe V Wade because they want to “save the children.” Republicans are jumping for joy but they’ve done nothing to ensure that we’re safe going about our lives.

We’re being slaughtered at parades, in grocery stores, at church, in bars and restaurants.

Our children are being turned to hamburger meat in schools.

Citing the 2nd Amendment – WRITTEN IN 1791 – Republicans refuse to add any teeth to a gun law which would,

A: Raise the minimum age to buy a gun to 21

B: Have waiting periods to buy a gun.

C: Initiate a nationwide comprehensive/complete system of background checks that would include any & all police reports of violence, attempted suicide and any other behavior that truly would constitute a “red flag.”

D: Of course – ban the manufacture, sale and ownership of high capacity assault-type weapons and magazines.

E: How about a buy-back?

F: Realize that we ARE NOT LIVING IN 1791 and that the gun laws should reflect this.

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired. I thought that with Trump out of office, things would get better. He exited with thoroughly botching the COVID response. We’ve dealt with this for 3 years now. He’s still around, salivating to get back in the spotlight. Now we’ve got the SCOTUS ruling with hints from Justice Thomas that more draconian measures are to come.

We’re backsliding as a nation and we’re sliding into fascism and Christian Nationalism.

We’re SUPPOSED to be a nation with “freedom of religion,” and freedom FROM religion but the Christian Evangelicals are winning. Eventually this will mean that it will be OK to discriminate against people of any other faith, (or no faith).

When will this end?

The only way will be to turn it around this November and in 2024.

If we don’t, we’re done as a Democracy.