COVID Keeps Winning

Although a good portion of our country is vaccinated against covid, a recent statistic has arisen:

99% of the deaths in recent months have been of UNVACCINATED people.

It takes a special kind of stupid or ignorant or brainwashed or belligerent because the covid vaccine saves lives.

To the unvaccinated I say: What the hell is wrong with you people?

Your friends or family tempted fate, buying into the conspiracy theories and the politicization by “45” and there you have it. They’re dead.


Maybe a family member refused to get the covid vaccine and died. As a survivor, what would you say to them? Would you rant and rave and say, “if only…” ?

Are you not vaccinated, also? The clock is ticking with the Delta variant ramping up across the globe.

I have zero sympathy for you. This wasn’t “just” the “flu.” It was something far worse.