Christianity Is Not The Religion Of America

Hope christ

Conservative Christians feel that they’re under attack.

Good – they SHOULD be!

We hear cries across the country of “religious persecution” from right-wing Christians.  They stomp and fume that their religious liberties are being denied. With utmost certainty they affirm that this is a Christian country and that our laws should be based on Biblical principles.

Even one of our political parties, the GOP, has strong Christian-based leanings.  Conservative Christian lawmakers are constantly pushing their agenda of religion-based beliefs, anti-abortion being a hot topic.

Several of the current Republican presidential candidates are devout Christians who flagrantly espouse inserting more of Christianity into the lives of all American citizens.

There have been lawsuits from Conservative Christian business owners because they don’t want to serve LGBT citizens or Muslims.

The most recent fiasco with Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples because of her religious beliefs, was determined by the courts to be unlawful and discriminatory. This was a clear case of a public servant refusing to do her job.  She was mixing religion with federal law and should have stepped down.  Instead she was jailed – rightly so, and not in “persecution” as her supporters claim. Evangelical Christians held her up as the poster child of discrimination and attack on Christianity.

Recently, Airline High, a public school in Bossier Parish, Louisiana, was warned by the ACLU to stop openly proselytizing Christianity in school. The letter from the ACLU warned that the “prayer boxes with Christian symbols throughout the school,” and “religious messages on the school’s website,” were in clear violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.  The school’s “Fellowship of Christian Athletes,” placed the prayer boxes around the school.  Also mentioned was the use of the word “God” in messages and on the school website.  As of today, the phrase, “May God Bless You All” is still on the front page of the site.

Conservative Christians need to look at their version of persecution.

What they are actually doing is trying to force their religion on others in the public sector.  That IS persecution of those of other faiths.

It is not persecution that they have been told to stand down in regard to pushing their beliefs.  It is the law.

Just like those “terrorists Muslims” you rail against, who impose Sharia Law, you would do the same thing here in this country if you could.

It is because they have been so brainwashed by their religion to think that Christianity is the only religion.  

They mistakenly think that Christianity should be the religion of the United States.  Wrong again.   The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof.”  That means, Conservative Christians, you lose. Clearly indicated is the fact that there can be no “religion” of the United States.

You have no right to try to force your religion on students in a public school.  You have no right to force the citizens of this nation to conform to your religious doctrine.  You also have no authority to mandate that women of this country follow your views on abortion by using the Christian religion as evidence.  At public gatherings, or in meetings of elected public servants, you have no right to “pray in Jesus’ name.”

We are a country of many different faiths.  Our freedom of religion set forth by the founding fathers is not only a guarantee of our choice to worship as we please, but it is also protection from those who would try to force their beliefs on us.  That means YOU, Conservative Christians!

Yes, you Christians are protected under the First Amendment. So are the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Pagans and any other religion. It is also protection for those who choose not to believe in any religion.

You have no right to force your religion down the throats of others.