Fiscal Cliff Tax Increase: Don’t Hang “We The People” Off The Cliff, GOP!

GOP: Don’t hang “We The People” off the fiscal cliff!

Congress, get your heads out of your butts: YOU WORK FOR US, not the 1%.

From The Onion:  WASHINGTON—Amid ongoing negotiations in Congress over the looming “fiscal cliff,” Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) told reporters Wednesday he is “completely torn” between his commitment to conservative activist Grover Norquist’s meaningless anti-tax pledge and the general welfare of the entire country. “On the one hand, you have a nonsensical promise to blindly oppose tax increases regardless of circumstances, but on the other, you have the well-being of more than 300 million people and the long-term stability of the entire U.S. economy,” said Reed, adding that he is “really stuck between a rock and a hard place” now that he must decide between his loyalty to a dogmatic political lobbyist and his responsibility to serve the best interests of his constituents. “At the end of the day, it’s a question of whether a nonbinding signature on an outdated and worthless pledge written 26 years ago is more important than preventing the nation from completely going to hell. I just don’t know what to do here.” When reached for comment, Norquist urged the pledge’s signatories in Congress to “remember what’s really important” before sacrificing utterly irrational principles for the sake of the country’s future

I’d say the well-being of 300 million people and the future of the U.S. economy comes first. Tom Reed shouldn’t be torn between what he should do. This is a no-brainer!  His job is to work  for the people of this country, not for the 1%.  Never mind that he supposedly signed some stupid pledge 26 years ago and now, ooh, he’s scared!  Grow up, Mr. Reed.  Do what you were elected to do; work for the greater good of all citizens of this nation and not the wealthy!

John Boehner, meanwhile, is sticking to his guns, refusing to back down on the fiscal cliff tax subject.  Somehow, I don’t agree with his assessment that raising the taxes on the top 1% will really hurt   that many  small business owners.  This is just another GOP scare tactic; use those feared words guaranteed to get everyone’s attention – “small businesses.”

Actually, I favor the suggestion made by Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to raise the tax on millionaires and billionaires.  ~What is the problem, GOP?~

Senator Harry Reid stated today in the Huff Post that he “doesn’t understand John Boehner’s brain.”  Neither do I.

All I know is that the people of this country – the little guys – should not be hung off the “fiscal cliff.”  To do so would throw this country into another recession and the economy into chaos. For another perspective on Norquist, read Lanny Davis’ article in Huff Post.