Instead of Fiscal Cliff Cuts, Medicare/Medicaid Fraud Should Be Priority

Boss Tweed's administration a century ago was rife with fraud.
Boss Tweed’s administration a century ago was rife with fraud.

One of the reforms which need to take place in this “fiscal cliff” deal is to revamp Medicare and Medicaid to cut fraud. Currently with the 2011 numbers showing about $565 billion in billing to Medicare, the FBI suspects that 3-10% is fraudulent. This would mean that about 17 to 57 billion was billed to Medicare in 2011 for services never performed, duplicated, unnecessary procedures, preventable illnesses or incorrect billing.  In addition, about 67 billion was paid out from Medicaid and Medicare for improper payments or errors.

With the news that a Denver-based dialysis company, DaVita Inc, allegedly bilked Medicare out of about 800 million over the past few years, this should be a landmark case when it goes to trial.  With about 1800 clinics across the country, DaVita used its tens of thousands of patients to defraud the government on a regular basis.  It wasn’t until a doctor and nurse noticed something was very wrong, putting 2 and 2 together. Subsequently, they contacted a lawyer; proceedings are underway.

Under the False Claims Act, ordinary citizens can help put a stop to fraudulent claims filed with the government.  Taxpayers Against Fraud (TAP) is a watchdog group which has recovered billions for the U.S. government with the help of people like you and me.

This is something that you and I can do to help bring the corporate gods down from their lofty thrones.  Not only is it good for the government to recoup its money, but anyone who successfully brings a case of fraud against a corporate entity and wins, stands to be compensated anywhere from 15-30% of the amount recovered! It is not easy, however.  All the bases must be covered with proof positive that fraudulent claims were presented to the government and  payments have been made. If you think you have a case, read more here.

Let’s all do what we can to root out injustice, expose the liars and cheats in corporate America.  Read, write, listen, research.  Go beyond just one news story.  Be proactive.  You’ll be helping millions of others, and your government, when you do!