Joel Osteen: Selling Snake Oil In Jesus’ Name

According to an article on, there’s big money in selling Jesus!  The article says that scalpers are offering tickets for Joel Osteen’s upcoming event at a whopping $850!

Mega-pastor Joel Osteen's tickets get big prices from scalpers!
Mega-pastor Joel Osteen’s tickets get big prices from scalpers!

Joel Osteen is the Senior Pastor of the Lakewood Church in Houston, TX. America’s largest church, it boasts over 50,000 members.

WHAT?  You’ve got a huge muthafuckin’ church with more members than some small towns in this country and you have to go on the road to get MORE money?

Yikes:  I’m in the wrong line of work here!

Snake oil salesmen:  that’s what I call these high-priced preachers. Sorry folks, NOBODY is THAT good to be able to get those prices. Salvation-starved Christians, like rock and roll groupies, obviously will pay those prices to get near to the pulpit’s newest star!

Religion always has been good business.  After all, a church IS a business. (One that is tax exempt, I might add.)

So where does all of this money go?  Obviously good old Joel makes a handsome salary selling salvation.  Then there are probably the overseas ministries.  OK — feeding the hungry is a noble thing.

Let’s not forget conversion of all those heathens in far-flung parts of the globe, either. We need everybody to hear the word of God, even if it’s been rewritten, mangled and mistranslated. Yep – even if it tears apart traditions of cultures far older than the white man’s Christianity.

It’s like nails on a blackboard to me.  This stick-with-us-and-be-saved routine makes me ill.  I know, I know – it’s been like this for thousands of years.  Jesus has been a good cash cow for over 2,000 years now.

Jesus saving

I don’t get the come to Jesus thing:  accept HIM as your personal savior balderdash.  I suppose a good Christian like Joel Osteen (for a price) could explain to me why I have to believe in one person – Jesus – to get to God.  Supposedly if I accept Jesus into my heart, and my wallet, I’ll get to this mythical place called heaven.


“You’re Going To Hell Because You’re A Jew”