The New American Ugly: 2016 Republicans & Donald Trump

Racists have rallied around Donald Trump.
Racists have rallied around Donald Trump.

Donald Trump now stands alone as the Republican nominee.  This morning both Ted Cruz and John Kasich bowed out of the 2016 race.

The 2016 election season has been the most divisive I’ve ever seen.  Hatred has run high, particularly from the Republican side.  Donald Trump has been crowned the champion of racists, and bigoted, flag-waving America is strutting its stuff.

The Republican Party has not only become The Party Of No, The Party Of Obstruction but also The Party Of Ugly.  They’re a joke, riding on the back of Trump, one huge, gobbling monster who slobbers insults, threatens, lies, makes inane promises, points blame when supposedly wronged and above all, panders to racist White America. Scrambling to hold on to the last vestiges of white supremacy, the GOP seems to embrace every far-right Christian’s dream of suppression and Biblical regulation for the entire population of this country. The contradiction here is that they do it under the guise of:  wait for it – less government! As voters have found out in many Republican-run states, ordinary citizens have gotten screwed by these very policies!

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why his followers don’t see right through him.  It’s blatantly obvious he’s clueless on matters like foreign policy, or how our government works, but I guess in their little pea brains they equate threats, bullshit and bluster with strength.

Like earthworms after a rain, the racists have come out in force for Trump.  He has emboldened them.  They’re out of the closet.  It’s OK to be a xenophobe in 2016 America – and be proud of it.  Common courtesy, manners and respect for others has fallen by the wayside. Because of  Trump, bigots openly attack those who are not white or who appear not to be “American.”  What these sad citizens cannot tolerate is the fact that America is becoming ethnically diverse.  They are driven by right-wing conservative notions & 7 years of boiling racist hatred because a black man was elected President – twice! Fueled by Trump’s nationalistic accusations that America isn’t great, those hiding behind the title “patriot,” are out in force.  Bring out the anti-government survivalist  gun-nuts, Bible-thumping Evangelicals, rednecks, closet KKK members and war mongers – hip, hip hooray, the gang’s all here!

“Make America Hate Again.”  Joe McCarthy & George Wallace would be proud!

Worldwide, Trump is laughed at.  Hell, most of us have been laughing at him for years now because we know better. How could such a pompous ass be taken seriously as a candidate?  The problem is that over 14 years of The Apprentice, those now enamored with him fail to see the disconnect between staged a “reality” TV show entertainer and the requirements of a true presidential candidate. The office needs an intelligent, politically viable man (or woman) of even temperament, discernment, discretion and rationality who is running for the highest office in the world! Trump is anything but.

Supporters believe him when he says he’ll fix the problems this country faces. Threatening to deport millions, build a wall, prohibit entry of Muslims to our shores, vowing to take on China, demolish NATO, bring back jobs – yada, yada, yada – but he never really says … HOW.

It doesn’t seem to matter to his followers.  As long as he keeps the Muslims out, the minorities and gays down, stomps on women’s rights, waves the flag and professes to know and love the Bible, he’s got their vote.  He’s the savior of White America!

Since he’s had center stage in the Republican run, the sane, educated, rational and critical thinking among us shudder at the thought that this could be our next President. The rest of the world waits anxiously, too, fearing what will come under the lash of a Trump Presidency.

The New American Ugly has spoken and it’s frightening.

We must not let it win.