The GOP Is Broken & Dysfunctional

Our government isn’t functioning.

The GOP is totally broken, not interested in governing. They don’t even want to help their supporters.

Every piece of legislation designed to help the American people is thwarted by McConnell. He’s obstructing. President Biden’s programs of infrastructure rebuilding – which would add jobs for the people of this country – especially those in hard-hit Republican states, Moscow Mitch has thumbed his nose at. Republicans are screaming “socialism” at proposed healthcare and care for our people and taking the rest of the GOP crowd down with them.

Joe wants to help everyone – that’s you AND me, Democrat or Republican but the GOP wants no part of it.

This is how much the Republicans care about their constituents.

Zip, zero.

They don’t want Americans to have any power of their own, but want them to be beholden to corporate boardrooms rule. That means the rich get richer, themselves included.

They don’t want “We The People” to be able to advance, to get ahead, maybe have a better life. Nope. No good jobs for you.

No universal healthcare because they want you to be under the thumb of Big Pharma and Big Medical.

Unions? We don’t want no stinking unions! That would give the people power and there’s none of that allowed. … and they accuse the Democrats of being Communists….

THE BIG LIE and its progenator, Donald J. Trump has the GOP by the balls. They initially denounced the January 6th insurrection but now the majority of them, (read COWARDS!) realize in their quest for power, they have to keep up that lie to siphon off Trump’s supporters.

Where HAS morality gone?

Where HAS support of country gone?

They serve and work for this country, not that slithering snake with the strange hairdo.

The whackos have commandeered the Republican Party. “He-who-will-not-be-named,” and the likes of Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, along with the good old standbys: Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and all the others who’ve succumbed to the hypnotism of 45 and Q.

What the hell has happened? There is no pride, only prejudice in trying to overthrow the basic right to vote. Cheating, they think, will get them everywhere. There is no truth, just an adherence to conspiracy theories (and they get weirder by the day) and stalling tactics to deflect how warped how their sense of country has become.

They’ve become the Party Of Hate, egged on by Fox News, OAN and Newsmax.

This isn’t governing, it’s a shit show and we’re a captive audience.

The New American Ugly: 2016 Republicans & Donald Trump

Racists have rallied around Donald Trump.
Racists have rallied around Donald Trump.

Donald Trump now stands alone as the Republican nominee.  This morning both Ted Cruz and John Kasich bowed out of the 2016 race.

The 2016 election season has been the most divisive I’ve ever seen.  Hatred has run high, particularly from the Republican side.  Donald Trump has been crowned the champion of racists, and bigoted, flag-waving America is strutting its stuff.

The Republican Party has not only become The Party Of No, The Party Of Obstruction but also The Party Of Ugly.  They’re a joke, riding on the back of Trump, one huge, gobbling monster who slobbers insults, threatens, lies, makes inane promises, points blame when supposedly wronged and above all, panders to racist White America. Scrambling to hold on to the last vestiges of white supremacy, the GOP seems to embrace every far-right Christian’s dream of suppression and Biblical regulation for the entire population of this country. The contradiction here is that they do it under the guise of:  wait for it – less government! As voters have found out in many Republican-run states, ordinary citizens have gotten screwed by these very policies!

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why his followers don’t see right through him.  It’s blatantly obvious he’s clueless on matters like foreign policy, or how our government works, but I guess in their little pea brains they equate threats, bullshit and bluster with strength.

Like earthworms after a rain, the racists have come out in force for Trump.  He has emboldened them.  They’re out of the closet.  It’s OK to be a xenophobe in 2016 America – and be proud of it.  Common courtesy, manners and respect for others has fallen by the wayside. Because of  Trump, bigots openly attack those who are not white or who appear not to be “American.”  What these sad citizens cannot tolerate is the fact that America is becoming ethnically diverse.  They are driven by right-wing conservative notions & 7 years of boiling racist hatred because a black man was elected President – twice! Fueled by Trump’s nationalistic accusations that America isn’t great, those hiding behind the title “patriot,” are out in force.  Bring out the anti-government survivalist  gun-nuts, Bible-thumping Evangelicals, rednecks, closet KKK members and war mongers – hip, hip hooray, the gang’s all here!

“Make America Hate Again.”  Joe McCarthy & George Wallace would be proud!

Worldwide, Trump is laughed at.  Hell, most of us have been laughing at him for years now because we know better. How could such a pompous ass be taken seriously as a candidate?  The problem is that over 14 years of The Apprentice, those now enamored with him fail to see the disconnect between staged a “reality” TV show entertainer and the requirements of a true presidential candidate. The office needs an intelligent, politically viable man (or woman) of even temperament, discernment, discretion and rationality who is running for the highest office in the world! Trump is anything but.

Supporters believe him when he says he’ll fix the problems this country faces. Threatening to deport millions, build a wall, prohibit entry of Muslims to our shores, vowing to take on China, demolish NATO, bring back jobs – yada, yada, yada – but he never really says … HOW.

It doesn’t seem to matter to his followers.  As long as he keeps the Muslims out, the minorities and gays down, stomps on women’s rights, waves the flag and professes to know and love the Bible, he’s got their vote.  He’s the savior of White America!

Since he’s had center stage in the Republican run, the sane, educated, rational and critical thinking among us shudder at the thought that this could be our next President. The rest of the world waits anxiously, too, fearing what will come under the lash of a Trump Presidency.

The New American Ugly has spoken and it’s frightening.

We must not let it win.

The GOP Is No Longer A Viable Political Party

In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.
In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.

The Republican party has lost its mind. In essence, they are no longer a viable governing entity, but an extension of the fanatical religious right.

Jason Easley said in an article in that:

“As Republicans in Congress increasingly pandered to conservative media, their rhetoric became more extreme, while their interest in governing has completely evaporated.”

They don’t govern, they obstruct.  With every single ruling that comes to the floor, no matter how much it would help various groups or issues in this country, they vote it down.  I dare anyone to show me anything passed of late by Republicans which benefits all citizens of this country!

When they do “govern,” it is to introduce or approve utterly ridiculous legislation designed to pacify Conservative Christians who feel they are being “discriminated” against by the simple – and Constitutional  rights – of other human beings who just happen to be of other faiths, nationalities, sexual orientations or belief systems.

In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.

Their aim is to control a woman’s private decision whether or not to have an abortion.  *It is NOBODY’S business* and falls under doctor/patient confidentiality.  End of discussion. Countless hours and funds have been wasted battling something which does not belong in the political arena.  The government should butt out of the abortion debate – period! Move on to more important things which are important to every citizen, not something that drives Conservative Christians bat-shit crazy!

Right up there with abortion is the GOP’s direct attack on the LGBT community, an abomination in the eyes of Conservatives.  Again, it’s nobody’s business but, screaming “religious freedom,” Bible thumpers have hijacked the Republican party to do their will.

Daily, I read of legislation introduced solely by Republicans that goes against the very grain of what this country stands for and was founded on. It is a direct affront to our modern society.  If Republican Conservative Christians had their way, we’d see passage of overwhelmingly restrictive, hateful, discriminatory rulings against women,  LGBT citizens, immigrants, minorities and those of non-Christian faith.  They’d love nothing better than to devise a H.G. Wells time machine to take us back 60 years or more.

This is the “Party Of Hate,” the “Party Of No.”

It is no longer the “Grand Old Party.”  Since its hijacking by right-wing conservative Christians, it needs to be renamed the “Conservative Christian Party.”  Ah, but that would violate the separation of church and state as mandated by the Constitution. Maybe they could hide behind the words “Conservative Party” and still try to get away with pushing their hateful, discriminatory doctrine.

Nativism has reared its ugly head in the 2016 election and the GOP candidates are leading the charge.  Sadly, they’ve confused “patriotism” with nativism, hatred & discrimination, but they wave their  American flags nonetheless.

They have forgotten we are a nation of ALL people, not just White, Christian people.

The GOP has outlived its usefulness.  Time for them to go.

GOP: Grover Norquist Was Not Elected President, Nor Does He Own You!

Grover Norquist does not own your soul, Republican Party!
Grover Norquist does not own your soul, Republican Party!  Photo: CNN

Grover Norquist was NOT elected president, nor does he run the Republican party!

Sadly, members of our government are cowering because of a 20-something year old pledge which one man, Grover Norquist, keeps under lock and key.  ONE MAN!    Something’s very wrong when an individual has such a grip on those who make our laws, influencing them to go against the will of the people and common sense.

The only thing they should concern themselves with is what has transpired in the recent election. The American people have spoken LOUD & CLEAR in 2012.  They do not want continued tax relief for the upper 2% of  the population. They do not want more protection for corporate America and rewards when they ship jobs overseas.  They do not want massive cuts to Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare which would plunge millions more into poverty.   They want our government to realize we are still struggling with the effects of the recession. The last thing the people want is to go backwards.

It is heartening to hear that many Republicans are choosing to go against this pledge.  They realize that it is their constituents they must listen to, not the fanatical ravings of one man and his anti-compromise stance.

Republicans who are choosing to jump ship on Norquist are rising every day:  Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Peter King, Steve LaTourette and Scott Rigell.  Peter King of New York commented on Meet The Press,   “A pledge you signed 20 years ago, 18 years ago, is for that Congress. For instance, if I were in Congress in 1941, I would have signed a declaration of war against Japan. I’m not going to attack Japan today. The world has changed, and the economic situation is different.”

Jenna McGregor in an article on the Washington Post said that those who choose to stand up,  … [are] “having the courage to go right when others go left, and being willing to open oneself up to criticism to do the right thing for the greater good.”   Jeff Sessions of Alabama stated: “Oh I signed it, but we’ve got to deal with the crisis we face.   We’ve got to deal with the political reality of the president’s victory.”

Yes,  there is that reality of the president’s victory. The other reality is that our government is not run soley by some overblown clown who seems to have a mystical, supernatural grip on our elected officials, especially those in the Republican party. Get with it, GOP!  Norquist does not own you!

Even former President Bill Clinton weighed in last year reiterating an account of   Norquist’s raves against a bipartisan push to eliminate subsidies for ethanol producers. He (Norquist) perceived this to be a sneak attack tax hike.  Clinton stated that it was like any changes in the GOP platform should be “approved in advance by Grover Norquist.”  Clinton went on to say,  “You’re laughing,  but he was quoted in the paper the other day saying he gave Republican senators permission” to scrap the subsidies. “I thought, ‘My God, what has this country come to when one person has to give you permission to do what’s best for the country?’ It was chilling.”

Chilling, indeed.  The United States of America  is not a monarchy of which Norquist is king & supreme ruler. He is not God.  His faithful Republicans need to realize that or come the next round of voting, they could find themselves out of a job like their buddy, Mitt Romney.  There is no surety in politics.

Maybe all the Republicans still on the side of Norquist need to read the quote at the top of this page from that brave NYPD cop, Frank Serpico:

“Sometimes you have to go up against the odds to do the right thing.”