3+ Years On The Trump Rollercoaster: Lies, Blame, Bullying, Deflection & Incompetence

This country is tired, exhausted.

We’ve been in the Trump House of Mirrors for 3+ years, on the Trump Tilt-A-Whirl, the Trump “Cyclone” rollercoaster of lies, whining, blame, bullying, deflection, and incompetence.

I haven’t written in so long because there’s really nothing to say.  I’m tired.  I can’t take this any longer.  Please, God, this HAS to be over soon because our democracy can’t take it.  The world can’t take it.

Republican strategist Steve Smith put it this way:
“The American people are going to throw you out of office.  You will be repudiated and disgraced. You’ll leave nothing behind but the stench of epic failure. No American has ever failed this country worse than you. None. Your incompetence, ignorance, ineptitude and old fashioned stupidity have caused economic collapse and made the U.S. the epicenter of Coronavirus death and suffering. You have shattered American Alliances and weakened our military. You are a disgrace. Your name will be a synonym for losing, failure and weakness. Biden is crushing you and you want to know why? It’s because he is a good man and you are a bad one. He cares about the American people and you do not. He is respected on the world stage and you are laughed at like some type of grotesque and buffoonish clown. He is capable and you are not. You attack because you are scared. Take a minute to look at the picture of Fred Trump on your desk. Do you think he would be surprised by your failures? He would not. He bailed you out over and over again. He bailed you out because you couldn’t cut it as anything other than a Conman. There will be no monuments and no encomiums for you. The whole country has watched you fail. The whole country is watching your increasingly feeble state. The whole country is watching you lose. We will all watch you return to your golf clubs as the biggest loser the American Presidency has ever produced.”

This “presidency” has been like a washing machine.   The cycles are set, predictable.  LIE, BLAME, BULLY, WHINE, DEFLECT, repeat.

We’re in the midst of a pandemic, people are dying, the economy is in free-fall but all he does is rage-tweet about “preserving our heritage” (read Southern white racist good-ole-boy Bible-thumping Christianity) and spreading division. He is not a “uniter” but a “divider.”

The Coronavirus has put us all on edge.  Our lives have been totally disrupted.  Add to this, George Floyd’s death kicked this country over that edge.  It finally exploded.  Trump only equates the protests with “thugs,” “looters,” but fails to see (or care about) the societal history that’s caused it.  He doesn’t care.  Black lives don’t matter because Trump IS a racist.

He knows he’s losing so he’s going for broke, desperately trying to hang on to his base (that’s only the usual 30%) which won’t give him the election.  The more he rages, the more he’s hurting himself.  The Dems are raking in money, Blacks are signing up in record numbers to vote, even many of Shitler’s suburban and older voters are finally getting disgusted.