NRA: You Can Help Stop The Bloodshed!

guns blood

FROM THE NRA: “They (Obama administration) are desperate to create the illusion that they’re doing something to protect us because their policies can’t and won’t keep us safe,” wrote Cox. “This transparent head-fake should scare every American, because it will do nothing to prevent the next attack.” ~Chris Cox, NRA Lobbying Director. USA Today Opinions, June 14, 2016

Dear NRA:

Your criticism of the Obama administration’s efforts to reduce gun violence is a pathetic sham. It is you who has created an illusion. With your vast lobbying power, you have threatened, bought and brainwashed lawmakers for over 40 years. At one time you were a respected entity. This is no longer the case.

In your march to own our government, advancing your own agenda, you have used your perverted version of the 2nd Amendment. It is paraded out at every chance. You are in bed with the gun manufacturers. Tirelessly in recent years, you have fought against public opinion which favors major gun reform. Because of you, because of your insidious influence, every single measure designed to prevent gun massacres or firearms falling into the wrong hands has gone nowhere.

The Republican Party is your lackey. They are afraid of you. Whatever hold you have on them, whatever scandal you keep under wraps to threaten them with, they lack the balls to stand up to you. Not even the horrific murder of 20 little children and 6 teachers at Sandy Hook prompted action toward gun reform. Your only answer was the pitiful suggestion voiced by LaPierre: ‘The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.’ Meanwhile, innocent citizens of this country continue to die senselessly.

Any attempt to redefine the 2nd Amendment to make it relevant to the world of 2016, instead of the 1700s in which it was written, brings howls of rage from the NRA. Muskets are no longer the weapon of choice, but rapid-fire semiautomatics are. To forbid the sale of any weapon capable of firing 50, 100 rounds or more – or those that can be converted (legally or illegally) to do the same or worse, is tantamount to Armageddon to you. To restrict those weapons whose lineage is clearly intended for a military purpose, designed with the sole intent to shred many human bodies in seconds, you equate with the certain ruination of our nation.

Adopting the bigoted, xenophobic fear-based mantra of Donald Trump against Muslims, you’ve declared him the NRA hero and back him for President. Here’s a man on your side: more guns for everybody – that’s the solution! Meanwhile the killing continues. Day after day, week after week, month after month.

The shooting in Orlando this past Sunday was a hate crime against LGBTs, perpetuated by an American citizen – not a terrorist attack!

You, Chris Cox, Wayne LaPierre and gun-rabid minions of the NRA, are all to blame. It is time for the NRA to be the “responsible” voice of gun ownership, not the right-wing, fear mongering organization you’ve turned into.  Help stop the carnage – instead of passing the blame.

For too long you’ve lit the fire, fanned the flames and run in the other direction while We The People mourn our dead and mop up the blood, time after time.


Guns:  Time To Rethink Laws & The Constitution