NRA’s Second Amendment

1000 words


The NRA has its own version of the Second Amendment.   The cartoon above pretty much sums it up.

A mouthpiece of the gun manufacturing industry, the NRA is blatantly against any form of gun control.

Of late they’ve become more radical in their stance than the NRA of years past.  In its earlier reincarnation, the NRA was a more low-key organization. Basically comprised of those into hunting and recreational shooting – a responsible, respectable entity.

However of late a radical right-wing fringe has settled in, warning of an apocalypse.  Its leaders have continuously spewed out messages of hate toward the government, being the gun wacko’s best buddy on every aspect of gun ownership.  Wayne La Pierre, the main mouth of the NRA, has gone on rants about the government “coming to get your guns,” thus sending a panic attack through every gun nut out there.

In defense of one aspect of the NRA, there are non-gun nut wacko members of the organization – the responsible gun owners – who are in favor of additional checks and balances for gun ownership. Unfortunately, these good people with the guns are mortified every time LaPierre opens his mouth!

This open carry stuff:  yes while it is perfectly legal in certain states to display firearms, these nitwits have taken to going out to restaurants, Wal-Mart, Chipolte and Target with their pistols and rifles.  WTF? That’s pure and simple intimidation of other patrons; a sort of “Hey – I’m Mr. Macho and here’s my gun.” Never mind – I won’t go into my penis/gun analogy, either.

Little boys with their dangerous toys.

Sooner or later at one of these open carry events – or anywhere, for that matter, it’s going to happen.  Some gun nut is going to get ticked off by another patron and the shooting will start.  Mark my words.  It’s only a matter of time.

Police officers were murdered execution-style in Las Vegas by this lunatic gun fringe.  There have been more shootings and attempted massacres in the last few months.  When will it end?

The NRA has created a monster.  With its twisting of the Second Amendment, very close to the cartoon pictured above – as long as they come out on the side of the lunatics, that adds more fuel to the gun control debate.

They could be more responsible, you know, but that wouldn’t do.

What normal citizen NEEDS an assault rifle?


The right to  (bear arms) “Man-slaughtering technology” was not and should not be a right – period.  Yes you can have your guns, that’s fine. I’m a responsible gun owner myself yet I do not feel the need to run out and get the latest assault rifle.

What IS wrong with people?

The NRA’s lobby in Washington is very, very powerful.  Our elected officials cower at the thought of pissing them off and getting on their shit list.

We need more people in public office who aren’t afraid to stand up and speak against the hatred that the NRA has spread.

We need some sanity instead of insanity!