Trump’s Mueller Fallout: It’s Not Over

Go ahead and laugh. It ain’t over, buddy. Far from it.

It’s not over till the fat lady sings, “president” Trump.

According to a new report from the New York Times, Mueller has farmed out federal investigations to:

1) the SDNY, in Manhattan,
2) the EDNY, in Brooklyn,
3) the EDVA in Virginia,
4) the U.S. Attorney’s office in LA,
5) the U.S. Attorney’s office in DC,
6) the DOJ National Security Division,
7) the DOJ Criminal Division….”

All is not lost or over by any means.  Justice is still working.

Don’t gloat, yet, Trumpsters.

Follow the money.

A key line in Mueller’s report:

“while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” 

It is also possible that others still will be charged with crimes – even his own family.  Many questions are still unanswered.  Read a summation here from the Washington Post.

Now we wait.

“Give Us This Day Our Daily Distraction,” Trump’s Bluff Is Just About Over

He’s lied. From the start. He has no business occupying the office of the President. He is the “Liar-In-Chief,” but unfortunately this Time cover isn’t real.

To paraphrase The Lord’s Prayer: “Give us this day our daily distraction,”  seems to be the M.O. of the Oval Office.

Millions of American voters caught Donald Trump’s bluff at the outset.  We called BS from the first day he rode down the escalator to announce his candidacy.  He was a fake – we knew it.   Then, God help us, he was elected.

The man lied his way across the country.

Those who, because of his TV notoriety, really believed his bullshit,  celebrated his xenophobic, nationalistic, racist tendencies as “patriotism,” and honestly felt that a billionaire spoiled-brat rich kid was their savior and one of them.  Yeah…, right.

The Trump White House is nothing less than the ultimate reality TV show.  It’s a narcissist’s dream come true:  power, worldwide 24/7 attention, adulation by millions with a chance for Trump to exhibit, on a global scale, his infantile, vindictive personality.  Daily he tweets “Nah, Nah… Nah, Nah… Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah” like a 7-year-old to those he deems worthy of scorn which includes anybody who disagrees with him.  His inappropriateness and lack of restraint know no boundaries.

This is not a president. It’s a child in a man’s body.

The United States has become a pariah, a laughingstock.

It’s obvious to anyone who has even a minuscule inkling of how our government works that the man has no clue what he’s doing. He’s bluffing his way through his “presidency.” Daily he showcases his ineptitude by committing inane, ignorant faux pas peppered with outright lies.

This isn’t a presidency, it’s a shitshow.

In his tough guy routine, he’s pacifying his shrinking base by leaving a legacy (with the GOP’s help) of eviscerating accomplishments by the Obama administration, even those which truly help or protect the American people.  His supporters are so vacuous that they don’t realize their throats are being cut!

He’s busy fending off one scandal after another, screaming FAKE NEWS at every turn, disparaging journalism, our Justice Department, and the courts.  The revolving door at the White House is busier than Macy’s Herald Square during the holiday shopping season.

Then there are all the allegations of sexual misconduct with Stormy Daniels and others.

The warrant issued by a federal judge for Trump’s lawyer, Michale Cohen, regarding payments to Stormy Daniels, now reveals that Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation is slowly winding an increasingly incriminating noose around Trump’s neck and that of his closest allies.  The spider is reeling in the fly. The jig is just about up and Mueller is being meticulous in his evidence collecting.

One thing we can be sure of:  Another day, another distraction.

This country is weary, shellshocked, tired of the drama and sick of the bullshit.

We want our country back, our government to function as it’s supposed to without this dose of daily distraction and drama.

It’s time for Donald Trump and The Bullshit Circus to go.