GOP: Out To Destroy America For All But Wealthy 1%

Republicans are out to destroy this country. While the extremist right-wing GOP members scream about communism, they are advancing an agenda that only benefits the top 1%.  Every time I read an article about who wants to cut what, it always seems that the Republican party out to decimate a program or law that only extends the control of the super rich.

I’m sick of it and you should be, too!

What has happened to the Republican party?

They’ve become relentless in their destruction of anything which benefits this country or the majority of the citizens.

An excellent article in Reader Supported News about the 1% and this country.  I wish I could have written this piece, it’s excellent!

It seems that every article I read there’s some GOP spokesman saying, “NO!,” to a bill adding a protection for citizens; “NO!” to taking away corporate America’s power; “NO!” to an increase in taxes for the wealthiest (who can afford it the most) and  “NO!” to any regulations on corporate tax loopholes, worker’s rights or making the top 1% – and corporate America, take responsibility for any of their actions.

moneyThe super-rich control our country:  we do not! They dictate policy to government officials, sneaking in additions to the laws which benefit themselves.  They buy their way into political campaigns through that travesty of Citizen’s United.  They silence dissenters.

An excerpt from an article in the New York Times about the real fiscal cliff by Frank Rich writes:

“The Republican-led Michigan legislature just passed a “right-to-work” law, severely diminishing union power in a stronghold of American labor. Is this an overreach by a party fearing for its survival or the latest wave in a powerful anti-union surge?”
(Assistant editor Eric Benson replies:) “For all the Beltway hysteria about the fiscal cliff, the forgotten Americans in the debate are American workers: both those who are employed and have seen their wages stagnate and those who are unemployed and can’t find work. The fixed ideas in Washington right now — reducing the deficit, cutting entitlements, increasing tax rates for the upper 2 percent — do not begin to address this crisis. What the stunning victory of the Michigan GOP (the governor as well as the legislature) demonstrates is that while Romney may have lost, the Koch brothers and other right-wing industrialists determined to erode workers’ pay, benefits, and standing have only just begun to fight. If they can’t win a national election, they will pour money in at the local level in state after state, even seemingly blue states like Michigan and Wisconsin, to further their own financial interests. It’s going to be trench warfare in the coming years.” 

What has happened to our government? It’s stopped being government.  It’s turned into a playground for the super rich to enable them to get their way.

Corporate America is an entity which has great wealth.  Because of Citizen’s United, it was given octopus arms exerting a python-like grip which it is strangling  WE the PEOPLE of this country with!  

Truthfully, we don’t have a government any longer. Oh, on the surface it appears that we do.  The checks and balances are corrupted.  There are a few who recognize this but they are far outnumbered by the greed of corporate America.  We the people, are helpless.  The only tool that we have is to vote the scums out of office.

How can we change the laws if the only ones who can do that – our government – won’t?  Most of them are in it up to their eyeballs; it threatens their entitled way of life.  Pass higher tax rates for the rich? They’re all rich; it will cut into their money.  Revamp the system so that they lose perks? That’s up to them, too!  Initiate corporate tax reform so that the biggest corporations have to pay their share? Oops – the crooks in government are owned by the likes of Sheldon Addelson, the Koch Brothers, the banks, Walmart, Monsanto, just to name a few.  They can’t do that!  Where would the Republican party get its money from?

Citizen’s United saw to it that the rich remain rich by controlling our government.   Could the Supreme Court been bought and influenced by the rich?  It would not surprise me a bit!  Only ~human beings~ are people. A corporation IS NOT A PERSON – it is a group of people and therefore should have no say in government.  Corporate America is an entity which has great wealth.  Because of Citizen’s United, it was given octopus arms with a python-like grip which it is strangling “We the people” of this country with!

After President Obama’s election in 2008, the Republicans attempted to make him a one term president through calculated evisceration of any and all of his policies during his first term. Those who didn’t bother to look and add up all the facts during the election, believing all the garbage spewed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, the GOP party itself and Fox News, voted Republican.  Still Obama prevailed. That alone tells me something.  Somewhere out there is a glimmer of hope.  My question is:  how do we make it erupt into a full-fledged fireball of concrete change and take back our country?


Robert Reich: Rich Keep Pouring Money Into Government



Fiscal Cliff = Economic Extortion By GOP

GOP and GREED: Don't push U.S. Economy & the 99% off the fiscal cliff!
GOP and GREED: Don’t push U.S. Economy & the 99% off the fiscal cliff!

The so-called “fiscal cliff” that we’re going off in January is what some call economic extortion.

It sounds about right.

The President is attempting to do the least amount of damage to the middle and lower class and the economy.  On the other hand, we have John Boehner & his GOP cronies,  corporate CEOs & the Tea Party trying to preserve the entitlements of the top 1%.

From an economic standpoint, many  say that GOP demands will stomp on the economy, flattening whatever progress has already been made.

Significantly changing Social Security will hurt those presently in the system, those about to enter (read younger “Boomers”) and have little effect on solving the fiscal cliff problem.  Gutting Medicare & Medicaid without addressing the real problem  will only hurt its recipients and not rein in the abuses which are its cause.  Corruption, billing fraud, corporate lobbying, exorbitant hospital charges, insurance & drug company abuses: these need microscopic scrutiny and a good dose of revision!    In other words, without total reform of the existing system, it will still be business as usual for the crooks in the system.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  To the corporate CEOs, millionaires, billionaires, Wall Street élite, as well as our politicians in both parties: stop whining about  the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts. You can afford to pay your share! Shame on you corporate executives  for your greed in sending jobs overseas to avoid paying taxes in America, skirt  environmental safeguards and bypassing U.S. wage and labor laws by creating jobs in China and  3rd world  countries ~instead~ of right here at home!   Because of you our manufacturing industry has been decimated in favor of cheap junk made in China!

Economic extortion, the threat of the “fiscal cliff” is just another smokescreen that the Republican party and corporate America can only benefit from.  Instead of closing tax loopholes for the nation’s wealthy, GOP and the mega-rich have it in mind to create secret loopholes included in the Fix the Debt initiative. Part of this is allowing exemptions of taxes for profits declared abroad.  Can we say:  “Global tax haven?” The ghost of Mitt Romney is alive and well in corporate boardrooms!

The Republican party lost the election because WE THE PEOPLE spoke out.  Thankfully there were enough of us who read, watched and researched Mitt Romney during the campaign. We saw through his veneer; his ties to corporate America.  He may be a brilliant business person,  but to run this country his way, as the GOP is currently attempting to do, will surely push us off that fiscal cliff.

GOP:  get real and serious about helping the 99% instead of corporate America. We are human beings struggling to keep our heads above water in this fragile economy. We’ve lost jobs, homes and our retirement money has been spent. Barack Obama still has more work to do to undo the Bush legacy that brought this country to its knees.  Realize, too, that you work for the American people and not corporate America.  Know that as we voted you into office, you can be voted out just as well.  Work with the President.  Make some concessions for the good of the American people.

GOP:  Help get us back on our feet instead of throwing us off the fiscal cliff!