Trump: Ignoring It Is What The Germans Did

HITLER. Does anyone out there remember? Have the numbers of those who witnessed, lived, fought WW2 declined so drastically that the horror of Hitler has disappeared? Are the atrocities committed by the Germans under his direction not taught in schools?

WHY are there not daily condemnations of Trump’s plans for a second term, which are CLEARLY AUTHORITARIAN – plastered over every single news site and newspaper?


30% of the Republican base has its head up its ass because they are too stupid to realize that he doesn’t give a rat’s patootie about anything but power. Perhaps they actually need an authoritarian personality to rule over them. The rest of the population, many of which are in Trump’s camp, some tilting toward not, need to be constantly shown how truly dangerous he is. Those of us who knew what he was at the get-go in 2016, are truly alarmed.

We all know the history of Trump and his proclamations are clearly getting worse. His loss to Biden, which, to Donald Trump, whose father Fred C. Trump relentlessly pounded into him “YOU WILL NOT LOSE!” is unfathomable. He started the 2020 election lies even before the election, if anybody remembers.

Now he’s out for revenge. Like Hitler and others, he’s vowed to rid this country of “vermin” and “scum,” and will certainly gather together those who will not question him.

Just like Hitler.

Several journalists have pointed out there is no choice: Brian Klaas, a political scientist at University College London wrote in “The Case for Amplifying Trump’s Insanity” that the race is between a “77-year-old racist, misogynist bigot who has been found liable for rape, who incited a deadly, violent insurrection aimed at overturning a democratic election, who has committed mass fraud for personal enrichment, who is facing 91 separate counts of felony criminal charges against him and who has overtly discussed his authoritarian strategies for governing if he returns to power against “an 80-year-old with mainstream Democratic Party views who sometimes misspeaks or trips.”

If that’s not enough, consider that he’s proposing weaponizing the justice department to get back for all the slights against him.

The Washington Post reported on November 6th in an article by Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey and Devlin Barrett that Trump “wants the Justice Department to investigate onetime officials and allies who have become critical of his time in office, including his former chief of staff John F. Kelly and former attorney general William P. Barr, as well as his ex-attorney Ty Cobb and former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark A. Milley.”

He wants revenge and plans were discussed even during his first term, “that’ll be the second term.” Stephanie Grisham, former White House press secretary warned in October on Good Morning America that Trump would be consumed by “revenge” and implement “pretty draconian policies” across the federal government if he wins in ’24. “I want to just warn people that once he takes office, if he were to win, he doesn’t have to worry about reelection anymore,” she added. “He will be about revenge. He will probably have some pretty draconian policies that go on.”

Trump issued his Thanksgiving message. This man is so hellbent on revenge, bullying and belittling.

“Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including the Racist & Incompetent Attorney General of New York State, Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James, who has let Murder & Violent Crime FLOURISH, & Businesses FLEE; the Radical Left Trump Hating Judge, a ‘Psycho,’ Arthur Engoron, who Criminally Defrauded the State of New York, & ME, by purposely Valuing my Assets at a ‘tiny’ Fraction of what they are really worth in order to convict me of Fraud before even a Trial, or seeing any PROOF, & used his Politically Biased & Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator, Chief Clerk Alison Greenfield, to sit by his side on the ‘Bench’ & tell him what to do; & Crooked Joe Biden, who has WEAPONIZED his Department of Injustice against his Political Opponent, & allowed our Country to go to HELL; & all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY,” the ex-president posted. “Have no fear, however, we will WIN the Presidential Election of 2024, & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

HE’S talking about weaponizing the Department of Justice? Projection, because that exactly what he intends to do.

This man IS dangerous. I’ve been saying this for a long time. I’m just hoping that this country has had enough of him to make sure he gets nowhere near the Oval Office again. There is no telling what he’ll try to do once in. Our Democracy is done if he’s reelected.