You’re A Trump Supporter & A “True Patriot?” I Think Not…

PATRIOTS: Have you forgotten the words written at the base of the Statue of Liberty?
PATRIOTS: Have you forgotten the words written at the base of the Statue of Liberty?


You’re a Trump supporter but say you’re not racist.
You’re a PATRIOT, you claim.
You hate all Muslims & say they are terrorists.
You hate immigrants because they are “stealing our jobs.”

Got news for you, Bubba, a TRUE PATRIOT would welcome anyone to this country because that’s what The United States of America is about.

It’s about second chances.
It’s about the chance to flee your oppressive government to start a new life.
It’s about sharing your experiences, your culture, your knowledge, here in this great melting pot we call America.

Once upon a time your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents or great, great, great grandparents came here as immigrants.
There’s a good chance that they were reviled, spit upon and threatened, too.
But we took them in anyway, because we are America.
That’s what we do.

So wave your flag, you pretend “patriot.” Wave your gun, too, “patriot.”
Proudly flaunt your hatred of Muslims, Mexicans or anybody not Caucasian white bread American like you.

Claim that as a veteran, you fought for this country, and you’ll be damned if you’ll let these “terrorists” in.
In reality, though, you fought for these people you so despise.
You fought for this country, to protect our American values.
“Land of the Free, Home of the Brave!”
You fought to free them from their oppressive government, remember?
You defended their right to come here: from Germany, Japan, Korea, from the jungles of Vietnam and the deserts of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East.
Yes, “Patriot” – you fought for them, every single one.
Have you forgotten?
Yes, you have.
Because now you hate them.

A true patriot would celebrate diversity, not proclaim it evil.
A true patriot would help immigrants assimilate, not bar their entry.
A true patriot would extend their hand in friendship, not threaten or harass.
A true patriot recognizes good in everyone instead of believing racist lies.
A true patriot stands up for immigrants instead of spitting on them.

A true patriot would remember these lines, inscribed at the feet of the Statue of Liberty:

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”



But you are not a true patriot because you have forgotten.

Because hatred does not make a patriot, love does.

Is THIS Presidential?


Over the past year I have watched, in utter disgust and disbelief, the rise of Donald Trump to the head of the Republican race for the White House in 2016.

Everyone from political pundits, sociologists, economists, psychologists, psychiatrists, current and past politicians, religious leaders – the list is endless – have dissected his popularity.

The United States is the most powerful country in the world.  Should we elect a man to its highest office who:

  • Insults anyone who disagrees with him, resorting to childish name calling.
  • Has publicly mocked people with disabilities.
  • Promotes hatred of others and does not disavow violence against them.
  • Has made disparaging comments about women.
  • Blatantly lies.
  • Considers conspiracy theories fact.
  • Threatens to use nuclear weapons.
  • Has no knowledge of foreign policy.
  • Promotes civilian slaughter & torture methods outlawed by international law.
  • Possesses no discretion.
  • Has no tact in dealing with others.
  • Displays absolutely no impulse control.
  • Thinks that running a country is like running a business.
  • Is clearly a bully.
  • Admits to using bankruptcy laws for his own benefit.
  • Will not own up to his mistakes, consistently blaming others for them.
  • Does not apologize – ever.
  • Threatens to rewrite the Constitution on libel laws and free speech.
  • Has no knowledge of the political process of the U.S. government.
  • Does not believe in climate change.
  • Wants to gut laws and programs which protect the environment.
  • Has absolutely no concrete, feasible plans to solve the issues we face.
  • Talks in circles and says nothing.
  • Routinely changes his stance on important issues.
  • Disavows making comments despite concrete evidence proving otherwise.
  • Berates a federal judge investigating his now-defunct Trump University.
  • Throws temper tantrums on social media.
  • Plans to build a wall on our southern border insisting Mexico will pay for it.
  • Wants to round up 11 million people & deport them.
  • Can’t “figure out” what’s causing the mass exodus of  Middle East refugees.
  • Proposes banning Muslims from entering this country.
  • Cannot take any criticism.
  • Has been involved in approximately 3,500 lawsuits.
  • Is being investigated under the RICO act for bribery.
  • Sues contractors, drags out litigation; settles for pennies on the dollar.
  • Clearly is mentally and emotionally unstable.

THIS is “Presidential?”

No, this is dangerous.

Bernie vs. Hillary – Democrats: Don’t Blow It

Don't blow it, Democrats, or we could end up with much worse!
Don’t blow it, Democrats, or we could end up with much worse!

Any sane, intelligent person following the 2016 election can plainly see which party is running the more coherent campaign.

The three remaining Republican candidates are a joke.   Whittled down from a huge, laughable field, the entire Republican campaign has been one name-calling schoolyard brawl after another. They’re down to – Donald Trump: The egocentric, racist, narcissistic, loudmouth, demagogue, bully billionaire, who has no coherent plans or insight. Lacking any sort of tact or restraint required to deal with complex international situations, Trump  is not emotionally or mentally fit to be President. Ted Cruz proclaims he’s “a Christian first, an American, second.”  He’s a Conservative Christian right-wing religious nutcase – far too much religion too close to the White House. Cruz sets a dangerous precedent with wanting to wipe out any sort of gains made by women, immigrants and the LGBT community.  I can barely count John Kasich, who seems the most sane of the entire bunch. He’s hanging on in the polls and it’s probably only a matter of time before he drops out.

I truly want Bernie Sanders to get the nomination.  It’s time for this country to take a new direction.  Bernie is leading a political revolution because we are finally waking up.  Things aren’t working as they should be and Americans are finally speaking up!  Bernie has stood firm on his principles and fought for the American people from day one.  He has not changed his rhetoric – he’s saying the same thing he reiterated 10, 20 or 30 years ago. He is, I feel, the candidate who is really fighting for the American people and this planet.

There was a time that I would have automatically voted for Hillary Clinton.  There are several reasons now that I’ve changed my mind. First is that she’s flipped-flopped on many positions, probably as a grab for the more moderate Sanders-prone voter.  I don’t like that. Secondly, her voting record dismays me.  She cast “yes” votes on several key issues like trade bills that have helped decimate jobs in this country.  Sanders did not. She voted for war; Sanders didn’t. She’s voted for fracking, the Keystone Pipeline as well as an array of other damaging proposals.  Bernie Sanders voted against them. As is very clear in the difference in both campaigns, Hillary is backed by corporate America; Bernie’s base is the average citizen.  Lastly, there’s just something that I don’t trust about her. Can’t put my finger on it but it’s there.

So – we come down to the gist of this article:  There has been much talk of late on social media of Sanders supporters saying that they will not support Hillary if she gets the nomination.

My message is this:  DEMOCRATS — DON’T BLOW IT!

This country and the world cannot afford to have Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or any other Republican in the White House.

Their entire party platform is one of total destruction. They’re salivating at the prospect of demolishing Obamacare, rolling back women’s rights, decimating gains by the LGBT community and destroying what’s left of governmental agencies which are designed to protect us.  Climate change doesn’t exist for them.  They’re in it for the rich who want to keep us all subjugated, in the dark, helpless. More war is another real possibility that the mega-rich want to keep going.  In the Republican guise of smaller government, so dear to hearts of many, in reality it’s the little guy who’s getting screwed – YOU!

It is a frightening thought that millions of people have their noses so out of joint that they would stupidly risk the future of this country and the entire planet simply by not voting.

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate is virtually unknown. Her Facebook page has only 141,000 “likes.” While her policies are exactly like Bernie’s, voting for her would be like not voting. She’s literally got no chance. We’re 7 months away from election day.  Now is not the time to push a splinter party, nor is it the time to be a crybaby or have a hissy fit!

My main point here is to say:


We have an excellent chance to win – don’t blow it so that we end up with some rabid right-wing Republican as POTUS, a Supreme Court to do the bidding of the far-right’s Conservative Christians and the 1%.

Our other mission in the election year must be to vote out all those “do-nothings” in government, all the obstructionists and those who, by their voting records, do not work for the American people.  Those who continuously introduce or vote for legislation which harms you. Overwhelmingly they are Republicans. Don’t vote for them just because you did last time. If they didn’t work in your best interest, show them the door. You can do this!

We have the chance to change things, but it cannot come overnight. Our political system is very complicated with deep ties to corporate America. We must work to undermine their influence but it will take time.  There is no magic wand that we can wave to make it go away. Our most powerful tool is “We The People.”

Electing Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton will not change things, but it’s a start.  It is imperative that we keep Republicans out of the White House because it would undo all the gains we’ve made in the last 7 years.

Don’t blow it, Democrats!


The GOP Is No Longer A Viable Political Party

In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.
In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.

The Republican party has lost its mind. In essence, they are no longer a viable governing entity, but an extension of the fanatical religious right.

Jason Easley said in an article in that:

“As Republicans in Congress increasingly pandered to conservative media, their rhetoric became more extreme, while their interest in governing has completely evaporated.”

They don’t govern, they obstruct.  With every single ruling that comes to the floor, no matter how much it would help various groups or issues in this country, they vote it down.  I dare anyone to show me anything passed of late by Republicans which benefits all citizens of this country!

When they do “govern,” it is to introduce or approve utterly ridiculous legislation designed to pacify Conservative Christians who feel they are being “discriminated” against by the simple – and Constitutional  rights – of other human beings who just happen to be of other faiths, nationalities, sexual orientations or belief systems.

In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.

Their aim is to control a woman’s private decision whether or not to have an abortion.  *It is NOBODY’S business* and falls under doctor/patient confidentiality.  End of discussion. Countless hours and funds have been wasted battling something which does not belong in the political arena.  The government should butt out of the abortion debate – period! Move on to more important things which are important to every citizen, not something that drives Conservative Christians bat-shit crazy!

Right up there with abortion is the GOP’s direct attack on the LGBT community, an abomination in the eyes of Conservatives.  Again, it’s nobody’s business but, screaming “religious freedom,” Bible thumpers have hijacked the Republican party to do their will.

Daily, I read of legislation introduced solely by Republicans that goes against the very grain of what this country stands for and was founded on. It is a direct affront to our modern society.  If Republican Conservative Christians had their way, we’d see passage of overwhelmingly restrictive, hateful, discriminatory rulings against women,  LGBT citizens, immigrants, minorities and those of non-Christian faith.  They’d love nothing better than to devise a H.G. Wells time machine to take us back 60 years or more.

This is the “Party Of Hate,” the “Party Of No.”

It is no longer the “Grand Old Party.”  Since its hijacking by right-wing conservative Christians, it needs to be renamed the “Conservative Christian Party.”  Ah, but that would violate the separation of church and state as mandated by the Constitution. Maybe they could hide behind the words “Conservative Party” and still try to get away with pushing their hateful, discriminatory doctrine.

Nativism has reared its ugly head in the 2016 election and the GOP candidates are leading the charge.  Sadly, they’ve confused “patriotism” with nativism, hatred & discrimination, but they wave their  American flags nonetheless.

They have forgotten we are a nation of ALL people, not just White, Christian people.

The GOP has outlived its usefulness.  Time for them to go.

Donald Trump’s Campaign: “Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!”

Donald Trump's campaign is a sham, just like the man behind the curtain. PHOTO: "The Wizard Of Oz" MGM
Donald Trump’s campaign is a sham, just like the man behind the curtain. PHOTO: “The Wizard Of Oz” MGM

Donald Trump’s campaign reminds me of a scene in “The Wizard Of Oz.” After finally reaching The Emerald City, Dorothy, the Tin Man, Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion stand trembling in the presence of the “Great and Powerful Oz.” Toto pulls back the curtain on the booth, revealing an ordinary man pulling levers, spinning wheels and talking into a microphone. Turning, he knows he’s been found out and says, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! The Great Oz has spoken!” Dorothy and her entourage sadly realize that there IS no wizard – there never has been!  It’s all been a scam.

Donald Trump is foisting a huge con on the American people in his 2016 election campaign. While receiving more press than any other candidate, he’s doing a very good job of bullshitting America.

He manipulates the ratings-crazed media, constantly showing up on TV in person or as a call-in.  News reports feature him almost daily with some jaw-dropping situation at a rally or an asinine statement he’s made.    His Twitter rants and insults cause upheaval.  He’s doing everything to keep the attention ON him – just as a narcissist would.

Meanwhile the media stands silent, waiting to cover his next ridiculous racist outburst and  the possibility of garnering a ratings rise. Everything he says or does is guaranteed to get news websites more clicks, TV shows higher ratings and more likes and shares on Facebook and social media.

The press is falling all over itself trying to keep up with the daily barrage of antics so they aren’t left in the dust by competitors.  What they don’t seem to be doing, however, is making an effort to dig really deeply into The Donald’s past, good old-fashioned investigative journalism.

This campaign is nothing less than an elaborate ruse, a daily carnival of smoke and mirrors, designed to distract attention from the issue of how mentally, emotionally and morally unsuitable Donald Trump really is for the Presidency and how obviously dangerous he is for this country and the world.

If anything, the media should be leading the outcry against this man.

Instead, they are not paying any attention to the man behind the curtain.

ISIS Does Not = Islam


Islam: It’s just another religion.

Over the centuries religion has been used to justify heinous acts of rape, genocide, mutilation, slavery and now suicide bombings. No religion is free from the taint of extremism. History has shown this.

Religion provides a sense of community and moral guidance. When politicized against various sects or humanity, it becomes dangerous. As long as the promise of utopia (heaven) becomes conditional on certain actions (martyrdom, conformity with law) there are those with impressionable minds who will never be dissuaded.  This is ISIS, radical Islam, not the religion of the vast majority of Muslims.

The best tool against hatred is critical thinking, exploration and expansion beyond the realm of your own community or culture.

Sadly, however, there are those who are as hateful, ignorant, xenophobic and limited as the terrorists. They call themselves patriots. However, their “patriotism” is not the embodiment of the vision of this country. It is unadulterated, pure hatred wrapped covertly in the American flag.

I feel sorry for them.

They continue to rant, spewing their unverified misinformation and condemnation of anything outside their restricted views.

Their so-called “correct” sources are usually nothing than more of the same vitriol: false, convoluted outtakes from sites which cater to the patriotism (read hatred) of these close-minded, ignorant individuals. When called out to prove their pathetic accusations they resort to infantile name-calling.

More frightening is that in this 2016 election, we have Donald Trump, currently leading in the Republican polls, who is blatantly stoking the fires of racism and hatred toward Muslims and immigrants.

Whether in print, taken directly to the streets in physical attacks on Muslims, or advocated by a Presidential candidate, this is actually helping ISIS in their justification of slaughter.

I hope that the good citizens of this world will speak up against this tide of hatred.


Why Trump Shouldn’t Win In 2016

The 2016 election scares me because the Republicans scare me.

Looking at the lineup, from front-runner Donald Trump on down, it’s horrifically clear that the GOP has lost its mind.

Never mind – taking into consideration the voting records of the Republicans, along with the utterly ridiculous legislation they introduce, it should be painfully clear that they are not acting in the best interests of this country.

There’s something very wrong when those in government lose their sense of connection to the people they represent.  Tragically, that seems to be the case in our government – not just with the Republicans.

Even before passage of Citizen’s United, corporate America has had a death grip on U.S. politics.  We have not seen the likes of this since Boss Tweed and his cronies 100 years ago.  We need to do something about this – get the money out of politics and overturn Citizen’s United.

The GOP has leaned too far to the right, embracing the whims of the Tea Party, but forgetting at the same time that they represent the citizens of this country – HUMAN BEINGS.

The current crop of Republican lawmakers and candidates also come dangerously close to slamming the door on separation of church and state, liberties and rights of (horrors!) the LGBT community. There’s the battle over women’s healthcare and the right of women to make their own decisions regarding an abortion. It’s nobody’s business whether or not a woman chooses to have an abortion, is lost on the Conservative Christians and the Republican party.

Then there’s blatant racism. The GOP has traditionally been the “old, white man’s party,” and with the likes of Donald Trump leading the polls, you’d have to be totally oblivious not to notice the  thinly veiled hatred he espouses.  Racists unite!  The Republican party is yours!

Those with such leanings are buying into his rant of collecting 11 million illegal immigrants – which, hey – by the way, folks – aren’t all Hispanics, and shipping them back home.  Trump is like Hitler with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Never mind — assuming it was even legal to do so, how in the hell is the government going to find these 11 million illegals and how is this roundup going to be paid for?

For more, read the Forbes article: “Trump’s Deportation Plan Prohibitively Expensive.” 

A presidential candidate should act with integrity and in defense of every ethnic and religious group in America.  Trump had a chance to do this but he blew it.  “We have a problem in this country, it’s called Muslims,” stated a racist supporter at a recent rally. The man went on to reiterate that tired old “birther” theory about President Obama, something that Trump has vocally embraced in the past. What bothered me was that the Donald didn’t utter one word in the defense of Muslims in this country.  That in itself tells volumes about him.

The whole lineup of GOP presidential hopefuls are pushing for more war.   Trump is no exception.  In regard to the Middle East Trump said:

“Iran is taking over Iraq 100%, just like I predicted years ago,” he said. “I say this, I didn’t want to go there in the first place. Now we take the oil.”

“We should have kept the oil,” Trump continued. “Now we go in, we knock the hell out of them, take the oil, we thereby take their wealth. They have so much money.”

“They have better internet connections than we do in the United States,” he complained. “They’re training our kids through the internet. We have to knock out their wealth.”

“We go in, we knock the hell out of them, take the oil.”  No, Donald, you just can’t go “take the oil.”  That’s an act of war.

Dangerous, very dangerous things come out of the mouth of this man running for President Of The United States.

On Trump’s website there’s an article taken from conservative right-wing Breitbart News. It states — “20 Reasons Why It Should Be Donald Trump In 2016.”  

I can think of many reasons why he shouldn’t win:

He is not your ordinary politician: No, he’s not a politician and really has no clue about the political process. He’s a bully, an egotistical, spoiled-brat businessman who is used to getting what he wants and under the impression that he can just “do” things.  That’s not how government works.

He’s also very vague on how he’s going to get things done as POTUS. On his website “Positions” page, he lists only 3 areas:  Tax reform, immigration reform and 2nd amendment rights. If you do any research at all – and have followed anything but Fox News – you’ll find that his tax reform won’t truly impact the rich (like himself) and his immigration reform including of building a wall which he says that Mexico is going to pay for. Gee, has anybody asked Mexico about this?

What about foreign policy, Donald? Are you ready to hold American companies who’ve outsourced millions of jobs overseas accountable? How will you go about bringing jobs back to America?  What about making corporate America and the rich pay their share of taxes – not just hedge fund managers as you recently suggested, but all the 1%? Why aren’t you commenting on environmental issues, climate change and renewable energy? Any ideas on how to reign in Wall Street?  How about healthcare, overhauling the prison system? Student debt? Have you thought about the rights of workers and labor laws?  What about raising the minimum wage?  What are you going to do about rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure?

I could keep going but you see my point. He hasn’t touched on a lot of issues, only saying, “It will be great,” It will be the best,” “You’re gonna love it,” “It’s just good management and I’m a good manager,” and endless reiterating of “I, I, I, Me, me, me!”

Trump is not reliant on donors: That means he can do and say what he wants.  See below about a “filter.”

Yes, he doesn’t have much of a filter. Bravo. He says what he wants and doesn’t care who he offends.  The POTUS needs restraint along with careful wording in response to world situations, and can’t go blurting out statements just because he’s pissed off.  There can be no verbal wars on Twitter. The President needs tact and diplomacy. Donald has none of these.  We can’t have the leader of the most powerful country in the world hurling insults at the likes of the Middle East, Korea, Russia or China. He’s dangerous. He’s too reactive.

He speaks for us little people. Got news for ya — so does someone like Bernie Sanders.  Dating back to the 60’s, he began fighting in the Civil Rights Movement.  His political stance reflects his determination to serve the people and has not changed since even before he was first elected to public office in 1981.  Unlike Trump, Bernie Sanders IS giving concrete suggestions on how to carry out what he proposes.

Trump on the other hand, comes from money.  He had a privileged childhood and today is worth billions.  HOW can he possibly know what it’s like to be one of the “little people?”  He doesn’t have a clue what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck, to work 2, 3 or 4 jobs and barely get by, or to be one hospital stay away from bankruptcy.  He’s just pandering to the desperateness of the ordinary citizen with no substance to back it up.  He’s built his empire on the backs of “We the people.”

Diplomacy:  See above on “he doesn’t have a filter.”  Point taken.

His business accomplishments:  Yeah, that’s nice that he’s head of a big mega-bucks corporation – but – being the President Of The United States isn’t the same as running a company.  You can’t dictate the rules; there is a process involved.  You can’t fire someone because you don’t like them. You also can’t declare bankruptcy.

Heck, Americans idolize him:  God, I hope not!  Unfortunately there are many conservative Republicans who think he’s the best thing since sliced bread.  He’s tapped into the anger as well as the fear that Fox News has brainwashed them with.

Trump panders to Conservative Christians that his 2nd favorite book is the Bible - yet he can't quote one verse.
Trump panders to Conservative Christians that his 2nd favorite book is the Bible – yet he can’t quote one verse.

He seems to have wrapped up many factions of the Republican party: the gun nuts, racists and he’s even courted the Conservative Christians. Claiming that the Bible is his second favorite book (after The Art Of The Deal which is, of course, about himself) he started toting a Bible with him to events.  Most Christians I know who fervently believe in the Bible can also quote scripture ad nauseam. Trump can’t even relate one single line. He defends this with the suggestion that “It’s personal.” Yeah, Donald – you’re full of shit! Methinks it’s more sucking up to get the vote, don’t you?

Donald, in reality you are just like those politicians you are railing against.

What amazes me about Trump and the entire Republican party is:


You are voting against yourself!

Republicans consistently vote against any programs to help the struggling citizens of this country.  They’ve tried to overturn the Affordable Care Act how many times? (I’ve lost count) and have voted against benefits and treatment for veterans.  Their witch hunt on abortion led by Conservative Christians is relentless.  There’s the Planned Parenthood debacle which is still going on.  Name a program – any program – and they’ve voted against it!  Their mantra of slashing taxes comes only at the expense of the average American citizen. They want to defund Social Security because they view it as an “entitlement.”  It’s NOT the federal government’s money – it’s ours! Our infrastructure is crumbling, people are out of work and desperate, they’ve lost their homes due to Wall Street’s recklessness but all the Republicans want to do is see that corporate America and the rich keep getting richer! What boggles my mind is HOW can anyone who has half a brain who knows the trouble we’re in can continue to support their plans.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

 Donald Trump is not the answer.

As far as I’m concerned, Bernie Sanders is leading the true revolution that this country desperately needs.