The GOP Is No Longer A Viable Political Party

In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.
In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.

The Republican party has lost its mind. In essence, they are no longer a viable governing entity, but an extension of the fanatical religious right.

Jason Easley said in an article in that:

“As Republicans in Congress increasingly pandered to conservative media, their rhetoric became more extreme, while their interest in governing has completely evaporated.”

They don’t govern, they obstruct.  With every single ruling that comes to the floor, no matter how much it would help various groups or issues in this country, they vote it down.  I dare anyone to show me anything passed of late by Republicans which benefits all citizens of this country!

When they do “govern,” it is to introduce or approve utterly ridiculous legislation designed to pacify Conservative Christians who feel they are being “discriminated” against by the simple – and Constitutional  rights – of other human beings who just happen to be of other faiths, nationalities, sexual orientations or belief systems.

In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.

Their aim is to control a woman’s private decision whether or not to have an abortion.  *It is NOBODY’S business* and falls under doctor/patient confidentiality.  End of discussion. Countless hours and funds have been wasted battling something which does not belong in the political arena.  The government should butt out of the abortion debate – period! Move on to more important things which are important to every citizen, not something that drives Conservative Christians bat-shit crazy!

Right up there with abortion is the GOP’s direct attack on the LGBT community, an abomination in the eyes of Conservatives.  Again, it’s nobody’s business but, screaming “religious freedom,” Bible thumpers have hijacked the Republican party to do their will.

Daily, I read of legislation introduced solely by Republicans that goes against the very grain of what this country stands for and was founded on. It is a direct affront to our modern society.  If Republican Conservative Christians had their way, we’d see passage of overwhelmingly restrictive, hateful, discriminatory rulings against women,  LGBT citizens, immigrants, minorities and those of non-Christian faith.  They’d love nothing better than to devise a H.G. Wells time machine to take us back 60 years or more.

This is the “Party Of Hate,” the “Party Of No.”

It is no longer the “Grand Old Party.”  Since its hijacking by right-wing conservative Christians, it needs to be renamed the “Conservative Christian Party.”  Ah, but that would violate the separation of church and state as mandated by the Constitution. Maybe they could hide behind the words “Conservative Party” and still try to get away with pushing their hateful, discriminatory doctrine.

Nativism has reared its ugly head in the 2016 election and the GOP candidates are leading the charge.  Sadly, they’ve confused “patriotism” with nativism, hatred & discrimination, but they wave their  American flags nonetheless.

They have forgotten we are a nation of ALL people, not just White, Christian people.

The GOP has outlived its usefulness.  Time for them to go.