Let’s Start Using The “F” Word: Fascism

David Frum, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, said in an article in The Atlantic:

“Those who uphold the American constitutional order need to understand what they are facing. Trump incited his followers to try to thwart an election result, and to kill or threaten Trump’s own vice president if he would not or could not deliver on Trump’s crazy scheme to keep power.”

Since the insurrection Trump supporters and most of the GOP, have embraced the idea that the people who hold office under our government are illegitimate and that, therefore, overturning the election is a patriotic duty.

“It’s time to start using the F-word.”

The word he meant is “fascism.”

Meanwhile, President Biden said today: “We are facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. I’m not saying this to alarm you; I’m saying this because you should be alarmed.” We must have the will to save and strengthen our democracy.”

Meanwhile, Republicans in 17 states are working hard to suppress voting rights, in other words RIG the vote, cheat so they can win.

Texas in particular, where Governor Gregg Abbott presides, has a good chance of flipping to Blue. With the February and June electrical grid failures (and 200 deaths) along with slimy Senator Ted Cruz getting caught trying to escape to Cancun during the blackout in February, Republicans are consistently turning to fascist tactics to keep their hold.

Donald Trump sounds like a broken record and his dimwit supporters are eating it up. The GOP, for the most part, is doing their damnedest to help his cause.

The GOP Is Broken & Dysfunctional

Our government isn’t functioning.

The GOP is totally broken, not interested in governing. They don’t even want to help their supporters.

Every piece of legislation designed to help the American people is thwarted by McConnell. He’s obstructing. President Biden’s programs of infrastructure rebuilding – which would add jobs for the people of this country – especially those in hard-hit Republican states, Moscow Mitch has thumbed his nose at. Republicans are screaming “socialism” at proposed healthcare and care for our people and taking the rest of the GOP crowd down with them.

Joe wants to help everyone – that’s you AND me, Democrat or Republican but the GOP wants no part of it.

This is how much the Republicans care about their constituents.

Zip, zero.

They don’t want Americans to have any power of their own, but want them to be beholden to corporate boardrooms rule. That means the rich get richer, themselves included.

They don’t want “We The People” to be able to advance, to get ahead, maybe have a better life. Nope. No good jobs for you.

No universal healthcare because they want you to be under the thumb of Big Pharma and Big Medical.

Unions? We don’t want no stinking unions! That would give the people power and there’s none of that allowed. … and they accuse the Democrats of being Communists….

THE BIG LIE and its progenator, Donald J. Trump has the GOP by the balls. They initially denounced the January 6th insurrection but now the majority of them, (read COWARDS!) realize in their quest for power, they have to keep up that lie to siphon off Trump’s supporters.

Where HAS morality gone?

Where HAS support of country gone?

They serve and work for this country, not that slithering snake with the strange hairdo.

The whackos have commandeered the Republican Party. “He-who-will-not-be-named,” and the likes of Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, along with the good old standbys: Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and all the others who’ve succumbed to the hypnotism of 45 and Q.

What the hell has happened? There is no pride, only prejudice in trying to overthrow the basic right to vote. Cheating, they think, will get them everywhere. There is no truth, just an adherence to conspiracy theories (and they get weirder by the day) and stalling tactics to deflect how warped how their sense of country has become.

They’ve become the Party Of Hate, egged on by Fox News, OAN and Newsmax.

This isn’t governing, it’s a shit show and we’re a captive audience.

Trump, Putin: Are You Good With This?


The shameless, obsequious display by our president in the presence of Vladimir Putin in Helsinki showed what a toady he is. Barely 24 hours later, probably in fear for his political life, Trump walks back words he uttered which indicated (for Putin’s benefit?) he didn’t believe Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

No, another “Oops, I didn’t mean it,” isn’t going to cut it.

This man clearly was never fit to be President of the United States and his actions show little mental maturity, discipline and conduct above that of a child, certainly not befitting the President of the United States.

We cannot continue this.  The “Give us this day our daily distraction” style of governing, the constant upheaval and commotion may have suited Donald when he headed his own company.  It doesn’t now. It’s worn very thin.  This is the government of the most powerful country in the world he’s heading, not his own personal kingdom.

The GOP has accomplished much dirty work behind closed doors while this distractionary Nero fiddles, and Rome burns. I hardly think his nomination was an oversight on their part.  What more perfect scapegoat than a political and Constitutional inerudite, possessing an oversized ego? We are in the grip of a cruel administration, yet amazingly, there are people who think Trump’s done a good job.

For those enamored of this man, either private citizen or politician, it’s time you started asking yourselves some important questions:  Do you consider yourself a patriot? (Do you know the difference between nationalism and patriotism?) Do you value the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights? Do you believe that our president should vigorously uphold & defend The Constitution as he vowed to do in his Oath of Office?  Should the resident of the White House show respect for the workings and personnel of government agencies he heads? Is it important that our president acts in a manner appropriate for the highest office in this land in words and deeds, being truthful, respectful and diplomatic?  Is it not imperative that our Chief Executive concerns himself with the wellbeing of every human being residing within our borders?  Do you feel it’s crucial for our president to adhere to established long-standing international treaties & alliances to maintain world peace, preserve economic stability worldwide and protect the health of this planet and its citizens? Is it necessary for our Commander-In-Chief to defend this nation from attacks in whatever form they take? Shouldn’t he protect our citizens, the security of our Republic, and the safety of the entire free world from murderous authoritarian leaders?

If you’ve answered “yes” to those questions, but see nothing wrong with Donald J. Trump’s actions as president, you should do a serious check on your ethics. You also need to read up on the workings of our government.

Finally, Republicans must do a 180 here, grow some backbone, and take responsibility in censuring this petulant Frankenstein monster. History will remember their vapid response to the Trump administration’s heartless regime and blatant political nose-thumbing. Instead of cowering in their boots fearing a backlash from 45, they should be more afraid of the voters.

It is we who will determine their fate in November and beyond.

Republicans Enable Trump, Ignore Democracy & Rule of Law

The Republican Party is off the rails.

I watch in total disbelief while they enable a “president” who is a pathological liar, who ignores the rule of law and spits in the face of democracy.

Some say this administration is “stupid.”  I’d say they’re more along the lines of “dangerous.”

We need more Republicans to step forward from blind partisanship for the good of the country – the democracy.  Some members of the GOP have spoken out against their own and questioned Trump’s ability to lead:  John McCain, Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake, and Jeb Bush.  We need others to step forward, to come out of their partisan comfort zones and act for the good of the country.

The GOP has become totally unwilling to stand up against Trump.  They stand silent while he abuses the rule of law.  The “president” attacks the integrity of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies and the GOP does nothing.  They watch, close-mouthed, as he denigrates the Bill of Rights.

From The Atlantic:

“Future generations of scholars will scrutinize the many weird ways that Trump has twisted the GOP. For present purposes, however, let’s focus on the party’s failure to restrain the president from two unforgivable sins. The first is his attempt to erode the independence of the justice system. This includes Trump’s sinister interactions with his law-enforcement apparatus: his demands for criminal investigations of his political opponents, his pressuring of law-enforcement leaders on investigative matters, his frank efforts to interfere with investigations that implicate his personal interests, and his threats against the individuals who run the Justice Department. It also includes his attacks on federal judges, his pardon of a sheriff convicted of defying a court’s order to enforce constitutional rights, his belief that he gets to decide on Twitter who is guilty of what crimes, and his view that the justice system exists to effectuate his will. Some Republicans have clucked disapprovingly at various of Trump’s acts. But in each case, many other Republicans have cheered, and the party, as a party, has quickly moved on. A party that behaves this way is not functioning as a democratic actor.

The second unforgivable sin is Trump’s encouragement of a foreign adversary’s interference in U.S. electoral processes. Leave aside the question of whether Trump’s cooperation with the Russians violated the law. He at least tacitly collaborated with a foreign-intelligence operation against his country—sometimes in full public view. This started during the campaign, when he called upon the Russians to steal and release his opponent’s emails and has continued during his presidency, as he equivocates on whether foreign intervention occurred and smears intelligence professionals who stand by the facts. Meanwhile, the Republican Party has confirmed his nominees, doggedly pursued its agenda on tax reform and health care, and attacked—of course—Hillary Clinton.”

Like lemmings, they seem more willing to follow Trump over the cliff from democracy into straight authoritarianism.

Our very democracy is at stake against what some are calling “Trumpism.”

  • The GOP is the party of “Trumpism.”
  • “Trumpism” IS a threat to democracy
  • The Republican Party IS a threat to democracy & rule of law.

We must make the Republican Party accountable at every turn.  Their flagrant disregard for the basis of our founding is dangerous because to allow this charade to continue will add unrepairable cracks to democracy.

There are some balanced voices in the GOP.  We must encourage that.  However, we must use November to vote for sanity, respect for rule of law and the underpinnings of democracy.

We cannot allow the Republican Party to continue its stranglehold on our country.  Its leanings toward cruel policies, discriminatory laws, abandonment of the principles of the constitution and the Bill of Rights, are abhorrent to our very foundation as a democracy.

To retain lawmakers who enable our “president” and embrace these hateful policies, will certainly continue a downward slide into authoritarianism.

We cannot afford this.








The New American Ugly: 2016 Republicans & Donald Trump

Racists have rallied around Donald Trump.
Racists have rallied around Donald Trump.

Donald Trump now stands alone as the Republican nominee.  This morning both Ted Cruz and John Kasich bowed out of the 2016 race.

The 2016 election season has been the most divisive I’ve ever seen.  Hatred has run high, particularly from the Republican side.  Donald Trump has been crowned the champion of racists, and bigoted, flag-waving America is strutting its stuff.

The Republican Party has not only become The Party Of No, The Party Of Obstruction but also The Party Of Ugly.  They’re a joke, riding on the back of Trump, one huge, gobbling monster who slobbers insults, threatens, lies, makes inane promises, points blame when supposedly wronged and above all, panders to racist White America. Scrambling to hold on to the last vestiges of white supremacy, the GOP seems to embrace every far-right Christian’s dream of suppression and Biblical regulation for the entire population of this country. The contradiction here is that they do it under the guise of:  wait for it – less government! As voters have found out in many Republican-run states, ordinary citizens have gotten screwed by these very policies!

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why his followers don’t see right through him.  It’s blatantly obvious he’s clueless on matters like foreign policy, or how our government works, but I guess in their little pea brains they equate threats, bullshit and bluster with strength.

Like earthworms after a rain, the racists have come out in force for Trump.  He has emboldened them.  They’re out of the closet.  It’s OK to be a xenophobe in 2016 America – and be proud of it.  Common courtesy, manners and respect for others has fallen by the wayside. Because of  Trump, bigots openly attack those who are not white or who appear not to be “American.”  What these sad citizens cannot tolerate is the fact that America is becoming ethnically diverse.  They are driven by right-wing conservative notions & 7 years of boiling racist hatred because a black man was elected President – twice! Fueled by Trump’s nationalistic accusations that America isn’t great, those hiding behind the title “patriot,” are out in force.  Bring out the anti-government survivalist  gun-nuts, Bible-thumping Evangelicals, rednecks, closet KKK members and war mongers – hip, hip hooray, the gang’s all here!

“Make America Hate Again.”  Joe McCarthy & George Wallace would be proud!

Worldwide, Trump is laughed at.  Hell, most of us have been laughing at him for years now because we know better. How could such a pompous ass be taken seriously as a candidate?  The problem is that over 14 years of The Apprentice, those now enamored with him fail to see the disconnect between staged a “reality” TV show entertainer and the requirements of a true presidential candidate. The office needs an intelligent, politically viable man (or woman) of even temperament, discernment, discretion and rationality who is running for the highest office in the world! Trump is anything but.

Supporters believe him when he says he’ll fix the problems this country faces. Threatening to deport millions, build a wall, prohibit entry of Muslims to our shores, vowing to take on China, demolish NATO, bring back jobs – yada, yada, yada – but he never really says … HOW.

It doesn’t seem to matter to his followers.  As long as he keeps the Muslims out, the minorities and gays down, stomps on women’s rights, waves the flag and professes to know and love the Bible, he’s got their vote.  He’s the savior of White America!

Since he’s had center stage in the Republican run, the sane, educated, rational and critical thinking among us shudder at the thought that this could be our next President. The rest of the world waits anxiously, too, fearing what will come under the lash of a Trump Presidency.

The New American Ugly has spoken and it’s frightening.

We must not let it win.

Bernie vs. Hillary – Democrats: Don’t Blow It

Don't blow it, Democrats, or we could end up with much worse!
Don’t blow it, Democrats, or we could end up with much worse!

Any sane, intelligent person following the 2016 election can plainly see which party is running the more coherent campaign.

The three remaining Republican candidates are a joke.   Whittled down from a huge, laughable field, the entire Republican campaign has been one name-calling schoolyard brawl after another. They’re down to – Donald Trump: The egocentric, racist, narcissistic, loudmouth, demagogue, bully billionaire, who has no coherent plans or insight. Lacking any sort of tact or restraint required to deal with complex international situations, Trump  is not emotionally or mentally fit to be President. Ted Cruz proclaims he’s “a Christian first, an American, second.”  He’s a Conservative Christian right-wing religious nutcase – far too much religion too close to the White House. Cruz sets a dangerous precedent with wanting to wipe out any sort of gains made by women, immigrants and the LGBT community.  I can barely count John Kasich, who seems the most sane of the entire bunch. He’s hanging on in the polls and it’s probably only a matter of time before he drops out.

I truly want Bernie Sanders to get the nomination.  It’s time for this country to take a new direction.  Bernie is leading a political revolution because we are finally waking up.  Things aren’t working as they should be and Americans are finally speaking up!  Bernie has stood firm on his principles and fought for the American people from day one.  He has not changed his rhetoric – he’s saying the same thing he reiterated 10, 20 or 30 years ago. He is, I feel, the candidate who is really fighting for the American people and this planet.

There was a time that I would have automatically voted for Hillary Clinton.  There are several reasons now that I’ve changed my mind. First is that she’s flipped-flopped on many positions, probably as a grab for the more moderate Sanders-prone voter.  I don’t like that. Secondly, her voting record dismays me.  She cast “yes” votes on several key issues like trade bills that have helped decimate jobs in this country.  Sanders did not. She voted for war; Sanders didn’t. She’s voted for fracking, the Keystone Pipeline as well as an array of other damaging proposals.  Bernie Sanders voted against them. As is very clear in the difference in both campaigns, Hillary is backed by corporate America; Bernie’s base is the average citizen.  Lastly, there’s just something that I don’t trust about her. Can’t put my finger on it but it’s there.

So – we come down to the gist of this article:  There has been much talk of late on social media of Sanders supporters saying that they will not support Hillary if she gets the nomination.

My message is this:  DEMOCRATS — DON’T BLOW IT!

This country and the world cannot afford to have Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or any other Republican in the White House.

Their entire party platform is one of total destruction. They’re salivating at the prospect of demolishing Obamacare, rolling back women’s rights, decimating gains by the LGBT community and destroying what’s left of governmental agencies which are designed to protect us.  Climate change doesn’t exist for them.  They’re in it for the rich who want to keep us all subjugated, in the dark, helpless. More war is another real possibility that the mega-rich want to keep going.  In the Republican guise of smaller government, so dear to hearts of many, in reality it’s the little guy who’s getting screwed – YOU!

It is a frightening thought that millions of people have their noses so out of joint that they would stupidly risk the future of this country and the entire planet simply by not voting.

Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate is virtually unknown. Her Facebook page has only 141,000 “likes.” While her policies are exactly like Bernie’s, voting for her would be like not voting. She’s literally got no chance. We’re 7 months away from election day.  Now is not the time to push a splinter party, nor is it the time to be a crybaby or have a hissy fit!

My main point here is to say:


We have an excellent chance to win – don’t blow it so that we end up with some rabid right-wing Republican as POTUS, a Supreme Court to do the bidding of the far-right’s Conservative Christians and the 1%.

Our other mission in the election year must be to vote out all those “do-nothings” in government, all the obstructionists and those who, by their voting records, do not work for the American people.  Those who continuously introduce or vote for legislation which harms you. Overwhelmingly they are Republicans. Don’t vote for them just because you did last time. If they didn’t work in your best interest, show them the door. You can do this!

We have the chance to change things, but it cannot come overnight. Our political system is very complicated with deep ties to corporate America. We must work to undermine their influence but it will take time.  There is no magic wand that we can wave to make it go away. Our most powerful tool is “We The People.”

Electing Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton will not change things, but it’s a start.  It is imperative that we keep Republicans out of the White House because it would undo all the gains we’ve made in the last 7 years.

Don’t blow it, Democrats!


The GOP Is No Longer A Viable Political Party

In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.
In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.

The Republican party has lost its mind. In essence, they are no longer a viable governing entity, but an extension of the fanatical religious right.

Jason Easley said in an article in PoliticsUSA.com that:

“As Republicans in Congress increasingly pandered to conservative media, their rhetoric became more extreme, while their interest in governing has completely evaporated.”

They don’t govern, they obstruct.  With every single ruling that comes to the floor, no matter how much it would help various groups or issues in this country, they vote it down.  I dare anyone to show me anything passed of late by Republicans which benefits all citizens of this country!

When they do “govern,” it is to introduce or approve utterly ridiculous legislation designed to pacify Conservative Christians who feel they are being “discriminated” against by the simple – and Constitutional  rights – of other human beings who just happen to be of other faiths, nationalities, sexual orientations or belief systems.

In their governance they are effectively discriminating against all but one segment of the American population.

Their aim is to control a woman’s private decision whether or not to have an abortion.  *It is NOBODY’S business* and falls under doctor/patient confidentiality.  End of discussion. Countless hours and funds have been wasted battling something which does not belong in the political arena.  The government should butt out of the abortion debate – period! Move on to more important things which are important to every citizen, not something that drives Conservative Christians bat-shit crazy!

Right up there with abortion is the GOP’s direct attack on the LGBT community, an abomination in the eyes of Conservatives.  Again, it’s nobody’s business but, screaming “religious freedom,” Bible thumpers have hijacked the Republican party to do their will.

Daily, I read of legislation introduced solely by Republicans that goes against the very grain of what this country stands for and was founded on. It is a direct affront to our modern society.  If Republican Conservative Christians had their way, we’d see passage of overwhelmingly restrictive, hateful, discriminatory rulings against women,  LGBT citizens, immigrants, minorities and those of non-Christian faith.  They’d love nothing better than to devise a H.G. Wells time machine to take us back 60 years or more.

This is the “Party Of Hate,” the “Party Of No.”

It is no longer the “Grand Old Party.”  Since its hijacking by right-wing conservative Christians, it needs to be renamed the “Conservative Christian Party.”  Ah, but that would violate the separation of church and state as mandated by the Constitution. Maybe they could hide behind the words “Conservative Party” and still try to get away with pushing their hateful, discriminatory doctrine.

Nativism has reared its ugly head in the 2016 election and the GOP candidates are leading the charge.  Sadly, they’ve confused “patriotism” with nativism, hatred & discrimination, but they wave their  American flags nonetheless.

They have forgotten we are a nation of ALL people, not just White, Christian people.

The GOP has outlived its usefulness.  Time for them to go.

The GOP’s Dangerous Politics For 2016

Ted Cruz being prayed over at a political rally. Whatever happened to "separation of church and state?"
The GOP has been hijacked by right-wing, racist Christian zealots. Here,Ted Cruz is being prayed over at a political rally. Whatever happened to “separation of church and state?”

The entire GOP running field for the 2016 election embraces a variety of platforms ranging from blatant racism, exclusion and persecution of ethnic groups and their religion, along with a dangerous desire to make Christianity the “official” religion of this country.

This is NOT America.

  • Our nation was founded on acceptance & inclusion of all nationalities.
  • The Constitution prohibits any establishment of a “religion” of The United States.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of              religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, ” 

Ted Cruz turned a political rally into a prayer meeting a few days ago. This is disturbing because the guy is running for President of the United States and undoubtedly would try to incorporate his religious beliefs into political office.

Cruz claims to defend the Constitution but clearly has a “Christian agenda” which violates separation of church and state! <–Read more here.

Regarding immigration, Cruz, the son of a refugee from Castro’s Cuba – is against letting Syrian refugees into the country.  Not all refugees, though. The Christians are OK but not the Muslims.  Gee, how are we supposed to tell the difference?

From the “Ted Cruz 2016” website:  “After being tortured and imprisoned in Cuba, Ted’s father, Rafael, fled to the United States to attend the University of Texas at Austin in 1957. He then started a small business in the oil and gas industry. Today, Ted’s father is a pastor in Dallas. Growing up, his father would often say to him:

“When we faced oppression in Cuba, I had a place to flee to. If we lose our freedom here, where do we go?”

Looks like Ted is fighting to keep out people just like his own father who are fleeing oppression in the Middle East!

Like Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP candidates, Cruz is fighting against immigration.  It matters not in their eyes that the average vetting time for an immigrant to be admitted to this country is at least 18 months. Their intentional hysteria-laced misinformation has whipped GOP voters into a frenzy of hatred toward immigrants of all nationalities.

This is NOT America, but it IS now a vocal, dark part of the Republican manifesto.

Our country is one of many cultures and religions.  You are free to worship as you please.  Nobody has the right to tell you how to worship or if you even should.  Self-righteous Conservative Christians are violating the first amendment religious rights of everyone when they insist on a “return to Christianity”   in the United States.  Their pathetic claim of a “war” against followers of Christ is no more than the legal Constitutional right of everyone to practice their own faith.  They fail to understand that there never was a “religion” of America and there never can be.

Religion has no place in politics, period!  Anybody remember “separation of church and state?”

Racism has no place in politics, either.  We are a multicultural nation.

The question is:  Do we as Americans want to embrace and encourage this hatred or are we brave enough to fight against it?

This is not America.  This is not who we are and this is not the direction we should be going as we elect a President in 2016.


Pew Research Center:  America’s Changing Religious Landscape

If You Love Donald Trump…

eagle flag

You are a racist, but you won’t admit it.

‘I’m a God-fearing, Jesus-loving, Bible-quoting Christian.  How can I possibly BE a racist?’

Oh trust me, you are.

Anyone who agrees with the crap coming out of Donald Trump’s mouth IS a racist.  He spews unadulterated hatred toward Mexicans and immigrants.   During a campaign rally he did nothing to stop a man’s Islamophobic rant toward Muslims.     A few months ago, an Hispanic man was beaten of the streets of Boston by two men inspired by Trump’s ideology.  In the past week his tirade has been directed at Syrian refugees. Just last night at a Trump rally in Birmingham, Alabama, WHITE Trump supporters attacked a Black man who shouted, “Black Lives Matter.”

Underneath your phony patriotic American flag-waving exterior lurks someone who hates anything different from Christian White America.

Yeah, admit it.

The frightening thing is: YOU ARE PROUD OF IT!

Let’s go to Webster’s dictionary for some help with these words.

RACISM: poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race or the belief that some races of people are better than others

Trump is fostering intolerance and stoking the fires of hatred in this country.  Racists have finally found justification in Donald Trump.

You are a xenophobe.  BIG dictionary word here and goes hand  in hand with racist.  It means:

XENOPHOBE: one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin.

Donald Trump and the Republican party are busy spouting hatred and you “Americans” are going right along with it.  Like Donald, you hate anyone who is different than you, be it in culture or religion. Admit it — you do! Come on – nobody’s here but us.  Nobody can hear your thoughts.

Yeah, I thought so.

Maybe as a kid you were taught to hate “those people,” be they Black, Latino or Asian. Since 9/11, because of the horror caused by a few fanatics who professed to be followers of  a twisted version of Islam, you hate all Muslims.  Your ignorance and hatred has won out over truth, but again – you won’t admit it.

Donald Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again” is a joke, and you have fallen for it. America will not be “great again” if it means going back to its racist past.  Nor will is be “great again” unless our entire government does what it’s supposed to do:  work for the people, by the people and of the people – NOT just for the corporations and privileged few — coincidentally of which Trump is part of.   It cannot be “great again” by embracing the restrictive and damaging policies of the GOP.

Listen up:  this man has said very little on how he’s going to actually accomplish it.

What he’s proposed has been analyzed by economists, political pundits, historians and scholars and found to be either false, illegal in terms of the Constitution or international law, downright inhumane or laughably fiscally unfeasible.

He is playing right into your hands, fooling you – all of you.

He’s a demagogue.

DEMAGOGUE:  a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason.

Trump constantly blurts out statements that are unbecoming of one seeking the highest office in this land.  He doesn’t care what he says and you love it!  The more outrageous, the better.

Psychologically, the Donald is unfit for the presidency. Why?

  • Constantly seeks attention
  • Blames others for negative outcomes
  • Emotional volatility
  • Tries to turn tables when confronted
  • Believes they are completely justified in their behavior
  • Exhibits reckless and self-serving behavior
  • Escalates conflicts

It goes on and on.  For more, go to:

“6 Personality Reasons Why Donald Trump Is Unfit For President”

In short, he’s truly dangerous – for this country and the world.

But you can’t see that because you, too, are hateful.

If you were truly an informed voter you would check out what he says…, really check out facts — dig and dig to find the truth, but you don’t.

Instead you rely on resources like Fox News, Alex Jones, Brietbart and various right-wing conservative websites tailored to spreading fear, rumors and hatred.  You eat this stuff up never bothering once to see if any of it is true, believing in the lies and reveling in the bigotry.  You are despicable — just like Donald Trump.

His masquerading as a patriot will lead us into war – again.  His threat to, “bomb the shit out of ISIS,” and “go in and take the oil,” are nothing more than proclamations of war.

You guys love it.

The GOP party has gone off the rails!  It’s strayed into dangerous territory of right-wing repression and hatred.  Its policies are not far from what could be considered a hate group:  it is exclusive instead of being inclusive, a perfect breeding ground for someone like Donald Trump, a perfect platform for racists.

Your support of this man is not “American.”  This country was created on the basis that “all men are created equal.”  The Statue of Liberty bears the inscription:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

We are a nation OF immigrants, built on the foundation of accepting those fleeing from persecution.

Yet you, in your warped, sick, bigoted sense of patriotism, are fervently supporting someone who is promoting intolerance toward other human beings.  Enamored with a man who stands for hatred, you are assisting the very terrorists you despise, doing whatever possible to sabotage our country for its people as well as other humans seeking refuge. You are doing this for “America,” your tainted, sorry version of “America,” showing its very worst.

I am ashamed, disgusted and frightened that these scenarios are playing out in our political arena for the world to see.

This is not America.


Previous posts:  We Are All The Same and You’re Going To Hell Because You’re A Jew.

Americans For Tax Fairness – Facts about the tax code.

Christianity Is Not The Religion Of America

Hope christ

Conservative Christians feel that they’re under attack.

Good – they SHOULD be!

We hear cries across the country of “religious persecution” from right-wing Christians.  They stomp and fume that their religious liberties are being denied. With utmost certainty they affirm that this is a Christian country and that our laws should be based on Biblical principles.

Even one of our political parties, the GOP, has strong Christian-based leanings.  Conservative Christian lawmakers are constantly pushing their agenda of religion-based beliefs, anti-abortion being a hot topic.

Several of the current Republican presidential candidates are devout Christians who flagrantly espouse inserting more of Christianity into the lives of all American citizens.

There have been lawsuits from Conservative Christian business owners because they don’t want to serve LGBT citizens or Muslims.

The most recent fiasco with Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples because of her religious beliefs, was determined by the courts to be unlawful and discriminatory. This was a clear case of a public servant refusing to do her job.  She was mixing religion with federal law and should have stepped down.  Instead she was jailed – rightly so, and not in “persecution” as her supporters claim. Evangelical Christians held her up as the poster child of discrimination and attack on Christianity.

Recently, Airline High, a public school in Bossier Parish, Louisiana, was warned by the ACLU to stop openly proselytizing Christianity in school. The letter from the ACLU warned that the “prayer boxes with Christian symbols throughout the school,” and “religious messages on the school’s website,” were in clear violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.  The school’s “Fellowship of Christian Athletes,” placed the prayer boxes around the school.  Also mentioned was the use of the word “God” in messages and on the school website.  As of today, the phrase, “May God Bless You All” is still on the front page of the site.

Conservative Christians need to look at their version of persecution.

What they are actually doing is trying to force their religion on others in the public sector.  That IS persecution of those of other faiths.

It is not persecution that they have been told to stand down in regard to pushing their beliefs.  It is the law.

Just like those “terrorists Muslims” you rail against, who impose Sharia Law, you would do the same thing here in this country if you could.

It is because they have been so brainwashed by their religion to think that Christianity is the only religion.  

They mistakenly think that Christianity should be the religion of the United States.  Wrong again.   The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof.”  That means, Conservative Christians, you lose. Clearly indicated is the fact that there can be no “religion” of the United States.

You have no right to try to force your religion on students in a public school.  You have no right to force the citizens of this nation to conform to your religious doctrine.  You also have no authority to mandate that women of this country follow your views on abortion by using the Christian religion as evidence.  At public gatherings, or in meetings of elected public servants, you have no right to “pray in Jesus’ name.”

We are a country of many different faiths.  Our freedom of religion set forth by the founding fathers is not only a guarantee of our choice to worship as we please, but it is also protection from those who would try to force their beliefs on us.  That means YOU, Conservative Christians!

Yes, you Christians are protected under the First Amendment. So are the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus, Pagans and any other religion. It is also protection for those who choose not to believe in any religion.

You have no right to force your religion down the throats of others.